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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Is it? I got it from the support thread here.
  2. But you write the topic from scratch every time and you're lazy to copy paste it?
  3. Make a topic template and post it in general the whenever you make a new topic, copy paste that template and just fill in the info. We can also set an option to auto fill cheats posted in Cydia Substrate btw. Just like the template in requests.
  4. Updated template: Made this for myself but someone requested it also and I thought I'd share this with everyone else who wants it. Tweak.xm content: /* Code Injection Example More CSCI examples can be found here: http://iosgods.com/forum/48-coding-center/ */ #include "writeData.h" %ctor { writeData(0xOFFSET, 0xHACKEDHEX); writeData(0x15BE04, 0x78708AE5); } /* Normal Tweak Example Visit this thread for more information: http://iosgods.com/topic/831-tutorial-how-to-hack-using-mobile-substrate-method-hooking/ */ %hook Coins - (int)have { return 999999; //Return any amount } %end /* MSHook Tweak Example Read this thread for more help: http://iosgods.com/topic/4295-tutorial-how-to-hack-with-mshook-new-way/ */ int getMoney() { return 9999; } %ctor{ MSHookFunction(((void*)MSFindSymbol(NULL, "__ZN10Characters5Money8GetValueEv")),(void*)getMoney, NULL); } /* Popup with a link Varieties of a UIAlertView Popup can be found here: http://iosgods.com/topic/13988-varieties-of-uialertview-types-to-use-in-your-tweaks-patchers/ */ %hook AppDelegate // Change this with your Application's Delegate. AppController, UnityAppController, GameDelegate etc. - (BOOL)application:(id)fp8 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(id)fp12 { // Popup only once at each launch of the app. UIAlertView *igcredits = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"@@PROJECTNAME@@ Cheats" message:@"\n@@PROJECTNAME@@ Cheats by @@[member='User']@@ for iOSGods.com" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Thanks" otherButtonTitles:@"Visit Us", nil]; [igcredits show]; [igcredits release]; return %orig(); } %new -(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex { NSString *button = [alertView buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex]; if([button isEqualToString:@"Visit Us"]) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://iosgods.com/"]]; } } %end How to use/install: 1. Download the template here: [Hidden Content] 2. Send the iosgods_tweak.nic.tar to /var/theos/templates/iphone/ 3. Start a new project and select iOSGods Tweak v1.3 from the options. Done! Enjoy!
  5. Requirements: - Jailbreak - iFile/Filza or PC/Mac. I'll be doing this via iFile. - theos installed and configured on your iDevice: http://iosgods.com/topic/4855-tutorial-how-to-install-theos-dependencies-on-your-idevice-2015/ Instructions: We don't want to start the template from scratch because that would be confusing and take too much of our time so we're going to get the default theos tweak template located in /var/theos/templates/iphone/ and send it to a folder which we'll be working on (my location will be /var/root/iosgodstweak). 1. Extract the tweak.nic.tar using iFile/Filza and remove the .tar since we won't be needing it anymore. 2. Now you can start editing the files to your liking (watch video below for more info). @@USER@@ -> Will be replaced with the Author you wrote when making the tweak. @@FILTER@@ -> Will be replaced with the Bundle ID you chose when running nic. @@PROJECTNAME@@ -> Replaced with the project name you enter for your project. @@PACKAGENAME@@ -> The Bundle ID of your package which you will set when making the tweak. 3. You will also need to change the control file inside the NIC folder unless you plan on replacing the the old .tar. 4. Once you have modified everything to your liking, you will now need to build the .tar so we can use it with theos. To do this, open MobileTerminal/NewTerm/iOS Terminal/PuTTY and type in this command: First, we need to cd into our project folder: cd /var/root/iosgodstweak Then we can build the .tar template using this command: /var/theos/bin/nicify.pl ./ 5. Now go back to your working folder in iFile/Filza and you will see the new .tar archive which was created. 6. Copy the archive and send it to /var/theos/templates/iphone/ 7. Start a new project and you will now get the option to choose your custom template from the list. Done! Video Tutorial by Jacky: Some pre-made templates: http://iosgods.com/forum/17-tools/ More information on control & control.pl files: http://theos.howett.net/nic/
  6. Hello! I found this useful website where you can see the app's BundleIdentifier without needing to install the app and checking it's info.plist. URL: https://www.appannie.com/search/?vertical=apps&market=ios&q=brothers%20in%20arms Brothers In Arms 3: Sons of War example: https://www.appannie.com/apps/ios/app/brothers-in-arms-3-sons-of-war/ Note: You may need to create an account to view some apps. You also get tons of other information about the app like update history, file size, release date etc.
  7. It's working? Can you share your thinned binary now for others?
  8. I thought apt.youyuanapp.com was their repo but it had no iapcrazy there. I tried installing it from another repo and it worked now! got it from cydia.iphonecake.com and it displays on my SpringBoard.
  9. Hello, Anyone know what's up with this? I've tried a few things to get iAPCrazy to show on my SpringBoard but have failed so far. Thought it was going to pop up by itself after a while but nah, been 3 days and still nothing. Suggestions? Thank you!
  10. Did you install it from their official repo? http://iosgods.com/topic/3097-repoigameguardian-v7/ Uninstall any hacks, tweaks, flex patches regarding iGameGuardian if you have any.
  11. Going through Arrow's FB page and comments made my day!

  12. Open with sqlite? Or you can use this tool: http://iosgods.com/topic/6235-gameloft-unban-cheat-tool/
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