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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This is an Emulator on PC. Well, I just used the repair option and it fixed it.
  2. Greetings, Has anyone experienced this issue? My Droid4X has been stuck on loading at 80% for over 5 minutes now which is quite abnormal compared to previous loading times.
  3. iGameGuardian official repo: https://iosgods.com/topic/3097-repoigameguardian-v7/ LocalIAPStore official repo: system.in-appstore.com/repo GameGem is on the BigBoss repo.
  4. Your date is correct right? Can you show a picture of your sources?
  5. Updated again If it crashes for you, wait for samacha to upload his binary :s
  6. "Name of app you want hacked: in app purchase" Why is it so hard to fill in the request template properly? This makes people ignore the request completely.
  7. Have you tried opening it 20 times?
  8. Install it from this source: http://aquawu.github.io/igg/ Remove any tweaks affecting iGG or even Flex Patches. If that doesn't work, follow: Please contact the developer for help Double check the MAC address you registered If MAC is correct, launch iGG 20 times until it stays in loading for a longer time. iGG does not work after reinstall Reinstallation will clear iGG license. Please email me and provide: WiFi MAC address Error screenshots PayPal transaction ID Keep showing "Please reboot your device" Please don't use tools to kill background processes. Please don't use Flex to hack iGG. Try to delete /var/mobile/Library/com.apple.gg.record3.plist Use VPN if necessary
  9. Which source did you get it from?
  10. I understand but most don't know about the Legacy version.
  11. Since AppCake released a new version, this isn't useful any longer on that version, that's why it's been removed as a pinned topic. You can install Cheats using iFIle/Filza still.
  12. Tested and working on iOS 9 by @@MRS14T3R
  13. That is locked because it's outdated.
  14. Hello, You can only reply to ViP topics.
  15. Added a quick Windows 10 update. Start the debugserver on PuTTY before attempting to open port 23 on your iDevice.
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