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Everything posted by Rook

  1. @Haman1975 Nice way of showing it off!
  2. v5.1.1 ARM64 Only Updated! We also created a new Club for BLEACH Brave Souls Players where you can discuss anything related to the game. https://iosgods.com/clubs/22-bleach-brave-souls-club/ You will need to close and reopen the game after logging in for it to show the user card.
  3. You can become a moderator of that Club.
  4. Share your DomiNations base with other members. You can screenshot your screen and upload the image to imgur.com or postimage.org and just paste the image link here. You can blur out your name if you'd like. I only use this account for testing purposes. I used to play this game a lot because it was quite unique but my Crowns became negative and lost interest. This is my current base.
  5. v5.570.570 Updated! We also now have a DomiNations Discussions Club (https://iosgods.com/clubs/20-dominations-club/) where fellow members can join and discuss everything about the game.
  6. Try not to use the feature abnormally. They're probably reviewing if you use your skill too many times in a match or something.
  7. Hello my dear Anime friends. My friends recommended that I watched DeathNote since I was new to Anime and so I did. It was quite interesting and intriguing up until the middle of the season where Light gives up the Death Note and forgets everything about it. It started becoming less interesting after that, at least for me. Are the rest of the episodes worth watching or should I stop watching it and move onto something else? L & Light as enemies were pretty cool btw!
  8. I'll be definitely giving it a try. Although I doubt I'll be finishing it completely.
  9. I purchased the Witcher III when Steam Summer Sale was happening and like most Steam Summer Sale purchases, I don't even open the games due to having little to no free time. However, I've heard a lot of good things about Witcher and how it set standards for triple AAA titles. My question is, how long is the game if I decided to open it? Or does it never end?
  10. Don't sue me ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
  11. You're breaking the rules.....
  12. Thank you, it means a lot to my confidence
  13. React "Haha" plz.
  14. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies. You have been refunded. Do not purchase ViP again. When you purchase ViP, you agree to the terms & conditions. Specifically: You purchase ViP for what you see inside the ViP section(s), not for what's to come. You do not purchase ViP for just one hack. This is because the hack may not be updated or may be patched by the developers. If you purchase ViP, you're purchasing it as a subscription to many hacks and not just one.
  15. That hack requires updating. Which will be soon.
  16. Did you enable in settings?
  17. v1.2.3 Updated! New Features!
  18. No, you need to uninstall GameGem. GameGem, iGameGuardian, GamePlayer, LocalIAPStore. It detects them all. You can try disabling them via iCleaner but it's safer to just remove then reinstall when done with the game.
  19. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  20. Because it's not widespread yet lol
  21. ^^ iOS 10* iOS 9 had no limit afaik. iOS 11 blocks side loading via Impactor completely as of right now.
  22. There's a way to get unlimited Pizza but that's risky and likely gets you banned. I will be updating this soon. Don't update the game unless forced.
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