GFX Section guidelines
GFX Section has been growing exponentially in the past weeks. Because of that, we have prepared a set of rules which will apply from today. If you are interested in posting your own work here, joining the GFX Team or entering a contest – you should read them. Breaking the rules might result in disqualification from contests or losing the chance to join the GFX Team. No plagiarism Not everything can be created from scratch. Good stock images, renders, backgrounds etc. can be very helpful, when creating a true masterpiece signature, avatar, wallpaper or basically anything related to GFX. Good resources can make a good work. However, we would like you to post links to pictures you have used in “Images Used” section of your posts. If your stock images come from GFX Packs you have on your computer – please upload them and include as well. This is not required, but posting a .psd .ai .c4d file is very welcome. Quality over Quantity Post only these works you believe they are worthy to be a part of the GFX Section. You are evaluated on how good all your works are and what progress you make. It’s better to post 1 great signature per week, than 1 bad every day. Keep it clean Please keep in mind that how your thread looks, matters as well. Follow this simple template to create a proper thread. You can modify it however you want, but use it as a general template.
<Thread title>
<short description> You can include information like time it took you to create it, program used, ideology behind your picture.
Images used: link1 link2 link3 … .psd file (.ai or .c4d can go here as well): link