Q. My game freezes whenever I spawn in! A. Don't use the medic class. Shmoo is currently trying to fix this issue.
Q. Unlimited health does not work? A. It's only visual, you have the same amount of health.
Q. I'm not leveling up. A. You are, but because of the effects of the ultrahack it shows the amount of XP that you gained drastically more than the amount you actually have gained.
Q. I got one hit killed?! A. You did not get one hit killed. Either that or someone was using the hack and killed you with it.
Q. I can't install the deb. I keep getting "x" error on installation. A. Shmoo is currently working on a tutorial to help you do the patch manually.
Q. The medic class, and sinper class does not work, the game crashes. A. Yes, its a glitch with the hack, Shmoo is working on it.
Q. Some of the weapons do not work. When equipped, it changes to melee. A. This also is a glitch with the hack, please use the other weapons for now. Shmoo is working on it.
Q. Unlimited coins don't work? A. Its only visual, as of all currency is server sided, so there is no posibble way to hack the currency.
If you found any other glitches, problems etc... and would like to get them answerd, please reply below or, pm me .