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Everything posted by flaird1008

  1. Silence is deafening....

  2. Hey ! I've been out for a while , but im back now so what does the second requirement mean?
  3. Can someone check the updated GameGem if it could stand up with IGG now ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raggnar


      Ya, all the issues already fixed

    3. flaird1008
    4. jayvee


      The latest version is a memory hog and it drains your battery fast. Stick with v0.4


    5. Diversityy


      So if you have an iphone and apphead, gamegem will be able to stand up landscape?

    6. jayvee
  4. "If something is too good to be true, stay the hell away from it" - someguy

  5. If you let our society define you then you screwed up mate .. Big time

  6. If nothing goes right then go left . Just agree :)

    1. Rook


      If nothing goes right then go lift*

    2. iPhoneGamePlay
  7. So can that be done HxD ? Edit : its on IDA
  8. "Almost" the most scariest word .

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. xC3FFF0E


      I love my senpai DiDA :3

    3. flaird1008


      Oh my god it became t*******e :o

    4. Rook


      *slowly steps back*

    5. xC3FFF0E


      Lol.. Ahaha! :3

    6. flaird1008


      Lol i made my comment a status , hope someone doesnt notice it .

      Well DiDA we should invite more , the more the merrier right ?

  9. im going to try pray for me hahahah
  10. This is Great @DiDA you should add this one http://www.movie4k.to
  11. If I don't who else will ?

    1. Oxytyramine
    2. flaird1008


      Well what i mean is if i dont eat it who else will


    3. flaird1008


      But it applies on so many things

    4. Insidious


      yo moma well JK

  12. The fact that your replying is enough proof And i made my request already hope someone notice it .
  13. Well for me this is the best site ive been on , its unlike thise other sites who only care about their VIPs And Thanks .
  14. Im quite a new member so pardon me if i dont know such things
  15. Hope i win by that time hahaha , and oh btw where can i make a request for cheats ?
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