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    iPhone 5s

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  1. I got this error, someone can help me? There was an issue during installation: 0: AppexBundleMissingClassOrStoryboard (Appex bundle at /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.yvWj9L/extracted/Duolingo - iOSGods.com.app/PlugIns/com.duolingo.DuolingoMobile.P5YER544ES.Widget.appex with id com.duolingo.DuolingoMobile.P5YER544ES.Widget does not define either an NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass key with a string value in the NSExtension dictionary in its Info.plist)
  2. Thank you! EDIT: how the updates are dealt? We need to check time by time for new updates?
  3. I would like it too! Link: Glitché di Glitché Ltd https://appsto.re/it/Jnt0L.i
  4. Another awesome "level app", thanks a lot
  5. Cannot find it anymore on AppStore
  6. Works fine with the last app update. Otherwise, for me, likes are coming in a slower way rather than before.
  7. With the version 2.3.4 it says that the version of the IG app is too old.
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