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Everything posted by Demi-God

  1. @Zahir would you look back at this game maybe an update 🙄 i would really appreciate it !
  2. i wish to see another mod for this 🙄I would appreciate it if you could look at this one please @DanYal
  3. They started with ban hammer me and my friends got banned but it was fun while it lasted
  4. Name of the game you want hacked: Next Sword Version of the game: 1.4 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/next-sword/id1445648381 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: any Requested Features: any feature, so far i can use dlg to change some numbers but its too boring to do it all the time.
  5. @DanYal i guess the game detect the hack cause it disconnect you from the server and let you play along until the end you think you won but you actually lose x’D
  6. They suspended my friend today am sure it was because of arena so be careful everyone.
  7. New update, Also can you look into the energy and slug(vehicle) cooldown? To see if you can tweak them maybe! And thanks in advance ^^
  8. Name of the game you want hacked: Dungeon survivor Version of the game: 2.8.94 iTunes Link for the app: Dungeon Survivor by 淘金互动 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dungeon-survivor/id901738789?mt=8 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: any Requested Features: Anything xD
  9. Hey, yesterday I installed app cake and the screen went kinda gray it was like that for a while so I rebooted the device and fall asleep, I woke up everything is gone from my screen I can see Cydia the tweaks but every other app I had on my phone is gone! i'm also unjailed yalu is removed too i'm trying to reinstall it, it gives me all kind of errors. any solution!
  10. Man i remember playing this game back then you were able to edit the characters power and stuff with ifile haha but it was linked
  11. @Laxus the gem hack kinda ban you cause it will prevent the game from saving any new data !
  12. The game now detect the hack for me even just turning the hack on without any feature !
  13. @Joka there's a new mode called devils something , when you turn on the hack the game stop at loading screen before battle in that mode could you look at it
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