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Everything posted by Demi-God

  1. Why not try little alchemist its a offline game n its the game that u really want to hack all i want is to be able to stop time detection so i can go back with time and buy the old packs that i missed ! I was able to do that but they patched it ! Or if i can get all the cards in the game Anyway when you make the thread let me know ^^
  2. And how to learn or where to learn that part plist ?
  3. Hackable sim games :D similar to kairosoft games maybe ?? :D

  4. I want to learn how to edit the save data any tut on that ?
  5. hackable offline card game ? :D cool one !

    1. xC3FFF0E


      Magic 2015. Works fine!

    2. Demi-God


      i couldn't find it ! the only result was evoker !


  6. that's wired am semi-restor as you suggested it to me ? n btw google ?
  7. Cool sim game ? :D

  8. Did you try the safe mode method i used to fix my store yeasterday ? ? maybe it works
  9. dungeon village does not work for me idk i did all other games in the past but when i came to DV it didn't work idk They are the best at sim games they have tons of those games but its in jap they need to translate it then they gone publish it on android then on ios
  10. Simulation game fan :D recommend my your best game :D

    1. castix


      Goat Simulator

    2. Demi-God


      really xD i was expecting something cool like game dev xD

  11. Do i need to do some stuff or simply choose another country when i make it ? btw i have us store on my phone
  12. yeah it didn't work my luck ! i guess i have to try to make a new apple id i just love yugioh so much
  13. yeah i mean the game ^^ i couldn't find it in the appstore !
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