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Everything posted by Arberlicous

  1. 1. Slightly expensive overclockable build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JV8Wqs(Better for gaming than number 2) 2. Less expensive overcloackable build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/8DvzTW(Better for working than number 1) 3. Somewhat of the middle ground. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/79zb99 (You cant overclock though) I would go with the first one. Not great for work, but decent enough. Also, I would overclock both the gpu and cpu a little. Not enough to fry it, enough to get a noticeable difference. Lastly, if you pick one of these out, tell me to look it over and then ask another person to do the same. You dont want things that may not work well together and you dont want to be spending money where it doesnt matter. Also, dont go with the third one. You may not like overclocking, but in moderation, it is great!
  2. Hypothetically, if you were to build it. How would you like it? Do you want a workstation or a gaming computer? Would you like a monitor with a higher refresh rate? How much vram would you like? Are electricity prices high where you are (tell me price per kilowatt)? Just spend maybe three hours watching pc build guides on youtube. It is well worth the time. The only problem I see is that prices of pc components are higher outside of the usa
  3. Why dont you want to build? I could give you the build specs with a pcpartpicker link if you would like.
  4. iosemus is a pretty nice application. I used it before I jalibroke. The only problem is the constant updates
  5. It isnt a zip file. When I try to open it, it says "Safari can’t open the file “World Conqueror 3 - CurryHaks.7z” because no available application can open it."
  6. This was a pretty cheap way to get thanks and likes.
  7. I wish beat da beat was a more popular game. It has incredible ratings on the app store. Check it out!

  8. The same messages repeat in the ifile installation. There isnt a result code at all. It just crashes
  9. I thinned the binary and the hack still doesnt work. http://imgur.com/UuL9E3b You can see that horizonchase is smaller than horizonchase2 and the permissions have been set the way he said to.
  10. I used rastirac instead: http://iosgods.com/topic/11571-tutorial-how-to-use-rasticrac-to-crack-an-app-then-thin-the-binary/At step four, you will see that it lists all of those app names. It seems to only list apps that I downloaded legally, nothing I downloaded on appcake. So, horizon chase doesnt show up http://imgur.com/gEslJ0g
  11. No, you get VIP for double the original price
  12. Once the hack is implemented, the problem occurs. The game is fine without the hack. This isnt that much of a problem for me because I found another hack. I think it is just a problem that he wants solved
  13. The game save does its job, but it no longer allows the user to use the continue option. For example, I play the game for ten minutes, and then exit out. Once I re open the app, I will no longer be able to continue the game I was previoulsy playing.
  14. Thats about it. Once I exit the game, there will be no option to continue once I open the game again
  15. Sometimes I wonder why I don't use the shoutbox. Then I read what has been written in the shoutbox and understand why

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arberlicous


      Dida's nude picz?

    3. Rook


      I feel you bro, I feel you. :hug:

    4. Arberlicous
    5. Ky1e


      Live for the nudes, die for the nudes.

    6. Svensken



  16. Anyone else no longer able to use the continue option?
  17. Back in the US! I no longer have single digit internet speeds

  18. New design, hmmmm....

    1. Rook
    2. Rook


      Switch back to the theme

  19. All this time, I have been replying to topics instead of hitting the thanks button. I never knew

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