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Everything posted by Arberlicous

  1. I love hacks but have almost no clue on how it works. How much must you learn to be able to hack games? Also, can someone point me to a video of the hacking process?

    1. Raggnar


      Take a look into the Tutorials Section. You will definetely learn alot from it. First you need to get familiar with some basic concepts then its all about practice and will. Search for flex hacks. Are the easiest ones :)

      Good luck and dont forget to take a look into TUTs Section we have tons of threads that will guide you and make things easier to you

    2. nKay


      I thought the same bro the. i tried and its actually quite easy

  2. Does DiDA ever sleep or is he secretly a robot? Illuminati confirmed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zahir
    3. Rook


      Admin Life

    4. WolfDesigns


      Dont worry slowly Im coming to take over the top online users

    5. xC3FFF0E


      What a colorful names! RAINBOWS! illuminati confirmed! 1 more to go guys... Then all sinister 6 will be complete!

    6. Rook


      Lol who's it gonna be?

  3. Can someone point me to a tutorial on how to install saves with Ifile?

    1. Rook


      Depends on the save really but most are just copy & pasting files in the games folder.

  4. I just noticed I'm an advanced member, I feel special.

    1. Rook


      You are special :happycry:

    2. K3NNNY


      Yes me too I was all happy when I got Advance member :lol:

    3. Chrizk0


      You have a nice thick and bold name now :)

    4. Shrek


      like mine?

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