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  1. Yeah, warning for saying that leeching is a fairy tale for noobs and ViP subscription is just for making money. Guess I hit DiDA in his weak spot - his wallet.

    1. Klepto


      A business trying to succeed. Would've never guessed.

    2. Rook


      You got warned because you posted a status update wanting other people to suicide.

    3. Wwttwt5 W5fs5g2u27w
  2. Reasons to be ViP: 1) that hot purple nickname that shows your alternative sexual orientation 2. ???

  3. I am going to buy a cat and call it DiDA. Then I'll castrate it... With a bolt cropper.

  4. Im sorry for hijacking your profile feed with my cool profile picture! But I got banned again for 24 hours on shoutbox lol screw this. My friend.

  5. Private Ryan was the only one who worth saving
  6. Tired of waiting for DiDA and shmoo to die... they probably need help to do this :D

    1. gone123


      I feel like you really want to get banned

    2. Grim-Reaper


      I can't eat popcorn to this.

    3. cu_rry
    4. Joka
    5. Juku
  7. Spawn system in BF is the shittest I've ever seen. Kill the man man who created it pls.

  8. When people say "God hate fags" you know it's not true... Cuz God hates nobody, except you ;D

  9. Then I am in too (bet @@DiDA won't let me win lol )
  10. Missed the moment when Liderluigi gave away gold in BF ;(

  11. I've heard that some leechers could steal even Christmas like Grinch :0

  12. Fahad is my leech. Replace the last word to get the sense :3

  13. Lol expected to see another Valiant Hearts game
  14. The first rule of iG should be: no contacts with devs :(

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