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Everything posted by Prophet91

  1. you hitting bigger leagues you are sooooo good please never die
  2. I hate this finding thing, :angry: this place has thousands of topics you would have to no life this place....
  3. can you create a fake facebook and savenit that way for me?
  4. @BlasianHacker Does anyone have an account for me for this game? I am on ios 10 and pretty lazy to fet on pc that's my fault and I'm bound to mess it up, so is there anyone with an account for this game hacked and would lt me use it, so I could get the game and hacked stuff by using their account and then switching to my account and it saves to my account?
  5. Anyone a good reinhardt main like pro and wants to play? I'm lv.78'O think or smthing

    1. 1Jakey


      I thought your computer couldn't run it?

    2. Prophet91


      it could actually Blizzard made it very optimal

    3. 1Jakey


      I can play the game on maxed settings and still get over 80 fps B)

    4. Prophet91
  6. eyyy thanks for this brotato could be very useful for a nonnjb lol
  7. doesn't start for me, hackyouriphone doesn't have appadmin
  8. when I click on the version do I just wait or what?
  9. My usb is dead so using dvds it's cool now I guess
  10. SO I'm trying to upload some photots to my usb and it shows not the 32gb that my usb has in total, it only shows like 800 mb, and I need the 32 gig, so I tried using diskpart but got this when I tried it make a primary partition after I deleted the partition http://prntscr.com/cay88a and then when I tried to go to my pc to check on the drive it wasn't there it just said the drive wasn't even there and now it says this http://prntscr.com/cay8od anyone can help me? thanks
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