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Status Updates posted by xC3FFF0E

  1. @ZahirSher, could you please make a Bulu Monster hack? :3

    1. ReoDragon


      Can we make an updated version on Bulu Monster please Laxus?

  2. Can someone make an easy tutorial on how to make a .deb file? Please? Hehe. Thanks in advance! :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. xC3FFF0E


      Thank You also, I mean ALOT castix :) my sempai xD


      Just wanting to learn this for making some cydia substrate for my hacks :)

    3. castix


      F­u­c­k it's going to be a text tutorial then

    4. Rook
    5. castix


      Oh wait it's creating deb files that's easy

    6. xC3FFF0E


      For a PROs like you, well... You can say that it was easy. But for a beginner like me, ha..ha.. I don't think so xD

  3. OMG! Just got visit Youtube for some Instagram Hack then while I scroll down, tons of "Follower Fast" tutorial videos I saw! (For sure they get the patches from Flex) BUT I saw someones video where's he download my Patch! OH GET REKT! So now, hack grow. COPY & CHANGE THEM but its alright even tho there's no credit to my name even our beloved iOSGods. Thats how life is. I'll just always be cool and kind to share some hacks. Right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xC3FFF0E


      They always need some proof and i'm sure, even tho I have the evidence they will not believe me.


      In the end... Thug life

    3. WolfDesigns


      I can back u up

      ~street creds man

    4. xC3FFF0E


      Are you sure? But I think... Its fine to decline you up. I don't want someone or anybody to get into my troubles. But if you still do, i'll really appreciate it :)


      I guess, i'll just leave this issue behind. Thanks man

    5. WolfDesigns


      Yeah man...dont care about hate

    6. castix
  4. Like my official Facebook page? Here: https://www.facebook.com/VincentLimOfficial Yeah, That's my name ;)

    1. xC3FFF0E


      Just want to be a successful Music Producer one day. Once I get to that point, i'll never forget you all :) Thanks in advance

    2. Amuyea
  5. Hacks don't work? I'll fix that! Just delete the app and don't install it anymore. 100% accurate.

    1. Ann3


      Omg thank you sherlock!! Hahaha xD

    2. iPhoneGamePlay
    3. Rook


      Vouch for this :3 working 100%

    4. Amuyea


      You mean remove the hack and still play the game and pray that the hack will be updated xD

  6. Does MC5 is worth to buy? :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xC3FFF0E


      Yeah, I search up a little bit. Gameloft already scamming many people. The game launch at the price of $6.99 then drop to $3.99 (not included the IAPs). Internet connection is always needed to play. But the graphics are great from a sh**ty company.

    3. Zahir
    4. Rook


      I can hook you up if you want to try it though. :bigwink:

    5. xC3FFF0E


      I'll try first to install a crack .ipa of MC5 :)

    6. Rook


      Cracked IPAs won't work afaik. :3

  7. Borgeous just like my picture on Instagram! F***king hell yeah! #SpinninRecords

  8. Borgeous just like my picture on Instagram! F***king hell yeah! #SpinninRecords

  9. Borgeous just like my photo on Instagram! F**king Yeah!!!

  10. Borgeous just like my photo on Instagram! F**king Yeah!!!

  11. Will going back to Music Career :(

    1. Rook
    2. xC3FFF0E


      Cuz I will miss hacking. But, if I have a freetime I'm going to post some. ;)

    3. Rook


      Oh... Hacking is more of a free time hobby. Focus on your main goal and whenever you have free time, do what makes you feel good. :)

    4. xC3FFF0E
  12. Android has LuckyPatcher. Hope it comes too on iOS.

  13. PPSSPP iOS Emulator is <3

  14. Does Minecraft - Pocket Edition is worth buying? :/

    1. ILuc123


      Tonmy opinion: Yes. Its on Idevices 100% free of lag, and very userfriendly, except for redstone , servers and enchanting is it almost the same like the PC version. Also for supporting the developers ,i would certainly buy it

    2. Rook


      Minecraft developers are the richiest people on earth. :ermm:

    3. kempsone1


      you can also get it for free with vshare look it up non-jaikbreak

    4. FateEX


      Or AppCake. But some apps, like MCPE, are just worth buying imo :p

  15. Let's hope that we can hack Facebook or Twitter :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arias


      Yeah, but its for fake accounts :)

    3. Rook


      You can use your real one :3

    4. Arias


      Its too risky...

      But, guys, you gotta check the hack for this!!! This app is amazing https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/flikes/id826390890?mt=8

    5. Rook


      It's not. I've tried it on a test account, got tons of friends and likes, still running. It sucks though because most of them speak Arabian and some other languages I don't understand and they spam you with notifications. :mellow:

    6. Arias


      It's all about followers... :D I have 3k friends. No need for more..

  16. How to hack games using Flex 2

  17. How to hack games using Flex 2

    1. Rook


      Tutorials section. ^_^

    2. xC3FFF0E


      Thank You DiDA :)))

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