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Everything posted by xC3FFF0E

  1. I QUIT.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tamil
    3. Rook


      But you just started? :/

    4. xC3FFF0E
    5. xC3FFF0E


      I mean... I QUIT BEING A HACKER FOR NOW. I'll be back as soon as move on.

    6. Rook


      (y) Good luck! :)
  2. Tiny Towers v2.2.10 Features: *Infinite/Tons of Coins *Infinite/Tons of Bux Download Link: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.) Download my .deb 2.) Reboot you iDevice 3.) Open the game Enjoy! Pocket Planes v1.2.0 Features: *Infinite/Tons of Coins *Infinite/Tons of Bux *MEGA LEVEL! (Set default = LVL 999999999) Download Link: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.) Download my .deb 2.) Reboot you iDevice 3.) Open the game Enjoy! PS: PM if there's something wrong with my hack so I can fix it ASAP! OK? Your Friendly Neighborhood: C3FFF0E Press that "Thanks" & "<3" button if you like to support me a bit with no cost at all I know... You'll choose to comment rather than to press that buttons.
  3. Don't know, not trying it yet. But I already see it on Flex so I shared it so i can try it later.
  4. ***Instructions*** 1.) Go to this website: https://code.google.com/p/networkpx/wiki/class_dump_z 2.) Download the "0.2a" version. 3.) Once it finish downloading, open it up on "iFile/Filza". 4) Find the "class-dump-z 0.2a.tar.gz" then "Unarchiver it" using the iFile/Filza. 5.) Inside the file, you'll going to see this documents: iphone_arm6 (Folder) linux_86x (Folder) mac_86x (Folder) win_86x (Folder) LICENSE (.txt File) README (.txt File) 6.) Delete these following documents: (You won't need them) linux_86x (Folder) mac_86x (Folder) win_86x (Folder) LICENSE (.txt File) README (.txt File) 7.) Open up the folder "iphone_arm6". Inside of it, you'll going to see these following: (You made also delete the "README" .text file) class-dump-z (Important File) README (Not so important file) 8.) "CUT" the "class-dump-z" file and paste it here "/usr/bin/*HERE*". 9.) Be sure that you have install "pcre" from Cydia to run the class-dump-z on your arm64 iDevices. 10.) You're DONE! NOTE: If you want to know if the class-dump-z is working also to know some basic commands, simply type this on Mobile Terminial: class-dump-z or class-dump-z --help NOTE: You must sign-in first as "ROOT". username: su password: alpine 11.) To use that class-dump, you may type this on the Mobile Terminal: class-dump-z -H /var/""/"Binary.app" -o /var/""/"The folder where the class-dumps will go". Example: class-dump-z -H /var/mobile/1 -o /var/mobile/2 ***Problems*** I somehow saw that the binary that you dump will not correctly go to its "Folder" path and the result will "null" or no files inside. To fix this: 1.) You must "Clutch" first the app you want to class-dump. 2.) Once it finish, uninstall the app you have downloaded and install the crack one. 3.) Copy and paste the crack binary on your desire folder. (I recommend putting it on /var/mobile/*Folder*/***HERE***) Overview: /var/mobile/*Your Folder*/***PUT HERE YOUR CRACK BINARY*** To clarify: 1.) Make a folder on /var/mobile/ 2.) Then put the crack binary inside of that. 4.) This is what you'll going to type now on Mobile Terminal: class-dump-z -H /var/mobile/*Your Folder*/*Name of the crack binary* -o /var/mobile/*Your folder* Example: class-dump-z -H /var/mobile/hack/tinytower -o /var/mobile/hack Overview: All the class-dump files will now successfully extracted on the designated folder. 5.) Enjoy & Good Luck on finding the correct Class-Targets! ***Credits*** Me @@C3FFF0E (For the clear instruction & tutorial) @@castix For the class-dump-z DL Link and Instructions @@DiDA For giving me the repo of the class-dump-z PS: You can also try to add this repo: cydia.radare.org then download "classdumpz" on there. But be sure to use: "classdumpz" command.
  5. I'ved not testing it yet but I know it will work. Link: https://itunes.apple.com/ph/app/follower-boost-for-instagram/id830444170?mt=8 NOTE: This is not a hack! [Hidden Content]
  6. Ok count me in. Do we need to finish those list?
  7. BANGER!!! Going to add this to my set :)

  8. We're open 24/7. Enjoy your stay. We hope that you find your desire app to hack :)

  9. I need a bae. I mean, real bae. You know...

  10. I need a bae. Real a bae.

  11. I need bae. Real bae.

  12. Final Fantasy XIII just release on Japanese Appstore which is F2P but includes $17 of in-app purchases to unlock the full game. And it will be release worldwide in the few days.

  13. New GFX Tutorial :3

  14. New CoGFX Tutorial

  15. Yeah. It was release I think... Last year. But I have a faith, you can do better than that
  16. Lol. I have this game and unlock all the Rare Items, Gears and etc.. I use Blizzard and Lawivido's hack. Which have: *Unli Pokke Points *Unli Zeni *Infinite Life *One-Hit Kill *Infinite Items *Max Guild Points *Infinite Stamina If you can do just like this features, it would be great! But this one is good enough Good Job!
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