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Everything posted by Klepto

  1. I would just like to point out the Member count skyrocketed as soon as I started getting power. #justsayin
  2. Sounds like the Computer Science field.
  3. E2 for AoT gotta get here on the quick.

    1. Amuyea


      Time to rewatch AoT season 1

  4. Tf are those Dropbox links. I ain't trust you
  5. AoT Season 2 is already dubbed. So hype

  6. If you can crack a Marvel Unlimited account, PM me pls

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gone123


      Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods.

    3. Lord Alucard

      Lord Alucard

      Don't sweaty in my spaghetti

    4. Diversityy
    5. Archangel04


      Now, Papa DiDA doesn’t take kindly to people asking for stuff without using the search feature on the top right corner. In fact, he hates em! That’s right. If you want him to hate you then go ahead and ask for something without searching for it first, that’ll get you that fresh foot to your ass out the door to another moon.(or banned if you want to put it nicely)

    6. Klepto


      Good thing that doesn't apply to me huh :dance:

  7. If you can crack a Marvel Unlimited account, PM me pls

    1. KFCzZz


      i never get hits in sentry MBA

    2. Infamous-Ash


      I will try it not so pro as zimon

    3. Klepto
  8. Do these ever expire?
  9. Guardians of the Galaxy are gonna be in Infinity War. #hype

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steel Latch

      Steel Latch

      How did you not know this common knowledge?

    3. TheArmKing


      Just saw the latest clip ! I am excited



      Hi klepto can I ask you somthing pleas pm me



      I need somthing and I will but reward 500$ on that Can you help me and pm me

    6. Jwmhs18


      Can you message me? I need help with the website...just bought 3 month vip and looking for certain mod, thanks

  10. I don't want to get too hyped, but... Might be getting an HTC VIVE very soon. :gasm:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Klepto


      You keep h8ting

    3. Rook


      You can finally get a life! Inside the HTC Vive of course.

    4. Klepto


      I'm ok with that, dad.

    5. Amuyea


      Virtual Reality Life

    6. Rook
  11. Seems to be working just fine.
  12. Does the signing of 3 ipas cap still apply?
  13. $300 for the Switch? They b trippin

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rook


      You pay $700 for an a phone so you have no right to judge

    3. mitosis


      You'll keep complaining but you'll buy it either way... #FirstWorldProblems

    4. ___Aaki___


      Apple charges $700 for the iPhone 7 nobody bats an eye, when Nintendo charges $300 everybody looses their mind

    5. Amuyea


      ^^ isn't it almost like wii u now?

    6. Klepto


      You guys pay $700 for a phone? Sucks to be you lmfao

  14. It's trash. The controls are trash.
  15. all KINDS of gains

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -Aqua


      i gain weight, there is no mei to solve this


    3. Lord Alucard

      Lord Alucard

      All kinds of Kings

    4. Klepto


      Ayy, Liderluigi knows what's up

    5. Liderluigi


      Yeeeeee.. (Their voice)

    6. Klepto
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fahadxmb


      challenge is to hack

      challenge is to play

      challenge is to complete

      challenge is to fulfill

      there is challenge everywhere


    3. fahadxmb


      oo klepto i am really sorry my phone erro it was lagging i pressed comment many times

    4. Profq


      didn't you have problems with Super Mario that the game crashes? how did you fix that?

    5. Klepto


      I'm not jail broken anymore

    6. Profq
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