iDevice: Jailbroken (checkra1n) iPhone 7 w/iOS 14.4
How can I change the returned value of a method to an expected string?
Below is the method as seen in dnSpy...
public string MatchEndReason
[Token(Token = "0x6002EC5")]
[Address(RVA = "0x15D2450", Offset = "0x15D2450", VA = "0x1015D2450")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x1A7C30", Offset = "0x1A7C30")]
return null;
[Token(Token = "0x6002EC6")]
[Address(RVA = "0x15D2458", Offset = "0x15D2458", VA = "0x1015D2458")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x1A7C40", Offset = "0x1A7C40")]
The corresponding strings in global-metadata.dat include "PointsCaptured", "OpponentsDestroyed", "TimeWasUp", and "LeftGame" (all without quotes).
If I leave the game, I want to change the MatchEndReason from "LeftGame" to any of the other match end reasons so I can get an ad view for rewards.
Below are the corresponding ARM64 functions from IDA Pro...
il2cpp:00000001015D2450 ; DATA XREF: __data:0000000104871DC8↓o
il2cpp:00000001015D2450 LDR X0, [X0,#0x20]
il2cpp:00000001015D2454 RET
il2cpp:00000001015D2458 ; DATA XREF: __data:0000000104871DD0↓o
il2cpp:00000001015D2458 STR X1, [X0,#0x20]
il2cpp:00000001015D245C RET
If I just try to patch LDR X0,[X0,#0x20] to a corresponding string list number for the Match End Reason (i.e. patch to MOV X0, #1 by hex-editing the binary at that offset to 200080D2), the game just crashes. I'm guessing it's looking for the actual string, but I don't know how to assign a string to a register.
Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.