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Everything posted by Jbro129

  1. A short way to answer that is to... #1 Try to disable or temporary stop server syncing (example would be in clash of clans and making the server sync popup not show up so it doesn't force an app restart.) #2 Once you have disabled it, try to find a way to get whatever it is you want. Inapp currency or level or whatever it is that you want. #3 Make the game think that what you have is legitimate so you can then apply your modded currency or whatever you are modding to the server. A tip when modding in app currency is to make the game think you got the currency through in-app purchases. Another way is to spoof in app purchases so you can get the reward without paying, which takes more skill, time, and effort .
  2. Well I guess you could make it so the game closes if the image file is removed from the assets. I don't know of a universal resolution but Google does haha
  3. Well it really depends on the screen resolution, coding something that shows different image sizes depending on screen size shouldnt be to hard. Like having 3 images in assets 3 different sizes of the same image. I will look into that.
  4. Requirements: 1. Apktool (Any type of apktool) 2. Text editor (Sublime Text/Notepad++) 3. The Zip File Linked below End Result : Download Code: [Hidden Content] Instructions: Step 1: Decompile your Apk using Apktool (In cmd on windows do "apktool d YourApk.apk") course replace "YourApk.apk" with the apk of your choice. Step 2: Open AndroidManifest.xml and find the lines that look similar to this <activity android:configChanges="locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|mcc|mnc|navigation|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|touchscreen|uiMode" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:name="com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity" android:screenOrientation="landscape"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter> </activity> Step 3: search for the text .method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V inside of the file and insert this line under where it says .locals Code: invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/gbo/banner;->gboCustomImage(Landroid/content/Context;)V Example use of code - .method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V .locals 2 invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/gbo/banner;->gboCustomImage(Landroid/content/Context;)V Step 4: Download the above below "CustomImageJbro.zip" and extract the 3 smali files. Put them inside of this directory of your decompiled apk YourDecompiledAPK \---smali \---com \---gbo |---popup$1.smali |---popup$2.smali |---popup.smali Step 5: Open banner$2.smali and go to line 45 and replace the url to one of your choice. "https://www.youtube.com/Jbro129" to "https://iosgods.com" Then open banner.smali and go to line 99 and replace the text with one of your choice. "Subscribe" to "Visit iOSGods" Step 6: Still inside of banner.smali, go to line 25 and replace the text with one of your choice. This text is a toast that pops up open opening. "Mod By Jbro129" to "Mod For iOSGods" Step 7: If you got this far then you most likely saw line 48. Basically what is happening, the app is taking an image from within the assets folder and displaying it upon startup. So go back to your decompiled apk and go to /assets and paste the image of your choice there. Make sure it is a .PNG and then rename your image to config.png. "picture.png" to "config.png" YourApk \---assets |---config.png \---..... Step 8: Go back to banner.smali and go to line 75. This is the images background color, so if it set to "#0000ff" then it will be blue or if it is "#ff0000" it will be red. Mine was set to "#373fe8" so it is a variant of blue. Take the hex color of your choice and replace "#373fe8" with "#YourColor" Example = "#373fe8" <= "#ff8000" Step 9: Apply all changes and then recompile apk. As you will see, the toast will be the one you typed as well as the image you put into /assets etc when you open the app. Credits: - @Jbro129
  5. I might do a template but I made this with the help of a friend, KMODs. I would have to ask him about that since he wrote the injection java to inject arm hex from an offset to libil2cpp.so or any of the libraries. I wrote the part that applied the virtual framework to make it intertwine with injection.
  6. It only bypasses any form of signature check or signature verification. Anything besides that has to be manual.
  7. I have done this to multiple apps like Pixel gun 3D and some others and it has worked. Within the source code and the virtual space framework, you can set which bundle id to duplicate when calling the install function (example - com.pixel.gun3d) so the answer is yes lol My bad for posting in the wrong section.
  8. How to I @Diversityy ? I saw his ldoe mod and I wanted to know if he wanted to collab on this. Also the virtual duplicate of the ldoe also dulicates the signature so all signature verification is bypassed automatically
  9. No lag All that is required is the original ldoe installed from the play store. No need to uninstall since it won't overwrite or interferes with the existing one. So you can have two accounts pretty much.
  10. KMODs and I made this in Java and C++. Upon the launcher opening, it installs a virtual duplicate of the existing ldoe apk and puts it into the virtual space so it like duplicates it. Very similar to Parallel Space. Parallel space on the google play store - "Clone and run multiple accounts of the same app simultaneously, and use themes to style your unique space."
  11. KMODs and I have created a launcher and mod menu for Last day on Earth v1.6.12 working on Android no root. I will release soon, I just wanted to hype it a little hit before I do. I also wanted to ask @[@Diversityy] if he wanted to contribute to it at all. This is the launcher that you use to launch the virtual LDOE injected with the mod menu. https://prnt.sc/hp62ne This is the mod menu in game. https://prnt.sc/hp60ts
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