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Everything posted by Oxytyramine

  1. 2 more months and 1 year since i joined this incredible forum i really appreciate everythings i learnt from this forum thanks to everyone Especially @DIDA :) thanks again!

    1. Rook


      Thanks for being a part of our community! :)

    2. Oxytyramine


      Ur welcome and thanks to you :)

    3. TheChief


      stfu u b**ch
























    4. Dvoiding


      lol same with me

  2. U can use uicache too to show the icons uicache in terminal
  3. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - ZombieWood Features: - Unlimited Ammo More features will be added soon Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Open Game and Enjoy Credits:
  4. nice one
  5. Bro dont hide the instructions and things just hide the dl/l link...
  6. nice job man. probably all i think
  7. server sided i think... @@AirMAX could u take a look at here
  8. im hacked :C i will do a better security in my next version it will be the best version
  9. Features: - All the Cues has Incredible Power (Even the normal one) - Very easy to input the balls - Most of the Cushions are Successful Requirements: - Jailbreak - iFile - Filza - iFunbox Download This .DEB: [Hidden Content] Installation: install ldone from [cydia.radare.org] first or it won't install or work!!! 1. Download the hack(If on mobile downloading skip to step 7/8). 2 .Download a file transfer utility such as iTools ( http://itools.hk/en_index.htm ). 3. Open iTools Go to the File System tab Select the One that says "File System(Jailbreaked)" directory structure. 4. Place the deb you downloaded into any directory you like it does not matter. Personally I recommend var/mobile for quick access. 5. On your iDevice go into iFile 6. In iFile go to wherever you placed the file(Or Downloaded it to if you downloaded on your iDevice). 7. Select the file and tap installer. 8. After it finishes installing, Respring your device.. Done... Enjoy USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK I DONT CARE IF U GOT BANNED OR ANYTHINGS ELSE MINE WORKING FINE Credits:
  10. amazing work bro keep it up
  11. @@iSpongebob10 bro the file and folder doesnt exists :{{
  12. Mine on iPhone
  13. i just said that for fun cos everybody that knows it ! They are using this way
  14. dpkg pfc u need to make it into deb normally not by make packageOfc*
  15. i have my own way!!! Make te postinst file and put it in DEBIAN folder then try to make it into deb... DoneAnd check my Cheat on Xarold's repo! TinyTrooper 2 Cheats!! Install it and u will see what it will say!!!
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