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ViP Pro
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Everything posted by Oxytyramine

  1. Nice one
  2. oh lol haha its ok den, good job
  3. oh ok nice one man, you need to make a video tutorial on how to make iap enabled with strings tho
  4. oh but this says rate the app lol not purchase success
  5. nice one mikey but the media is not a video
  6. nice one man, check iMessage please
  7. thats ce bizarre, im vraiment désolé pour cela, mais je ne pense pas ma faute , mon téléphone est iPhone6 ​​sur iOS 9.0.2 , cela fonctionne si bien. désolé d'entendre que
  8. u peut essayer de désactiver d'autres hacks abord , ouvrir le jeu et aller à la patcher , permettre aux hacks sans tuer le jeu de multitâche et revenir au jeu alors voir si cela fonctionne
  9. je l'ai testé toutes les fonctionnalités sur iOS 9 et 8 , ils devraient travailler bro
  10. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - Criminal Case Features: - Inf Coins - Inf Energy - Inf Stars - Inf Medals - Inf Mission Stars - Max LVL - Inf Boosters - Instant Analyzes (will be added soon) ALL THESE SWITCHES ARE MODIFIERS SO YOU CAN SET WHAT AMOUNT OF ANYTHING YOU WANT. Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Enable Hack on Settings.app (Settings) 5.Turn the switch on in settings then enter your own value. 6.Open Game and Enjoy Credits: Helpers: @DiDA thanks so much If you enjoy using my HACKS please show your SUPPORT by clicking the and the button, Thank you
  11. nice one chrizy
  12. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - Ice Age Village Features: - Inf Currencies (even hearts) (collect/gain some of each you will get inf, close the game and turn off the currency hack switch only and keep the anti-ban on) - Anti-ban (Info is written under the switch in the patcher ) Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Enable Hack on Settings.app (Settings) 5.Turn the switch on in settings then enter your own value. 6.Open Game and Enjoy Credits: Helpers: @DiDA thanks so much Media: If you enjoy using my HACKS please show your SUPPORT by clicking the and the button, Thank you
  13. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - Ice Age Avalanche Features: - Free Store (can afford anything) - currency modifier (may freeze ur currency if did just use the free store ) Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Enable Hack on Settings.app (Settings) 5.Turn the switch on in settings then enter your own value. 6.Open Game and Enjoy Credits: Helpers: @DiDA thanks so much Media: If you enjoy using my HACKS please show your SUPPORT by clicking the and the button, Thank you
  14. did u turn on the hack and test it? Also it makes the currency balances to not appear and you can afford anything
  15. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - Ice Age Adventures Features: - Free Store (can afford anything) Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Enable Hack on Settings.app (Settings) 5.Turn the switch on in settings then enter your own value. 6.Open Game and Enjoy Credits: Helpers: Mohammad96 thanks so much If you enjoy using my HACKS please show your SUPPORT by clicking the and the button, Thank you
  16. Requirements: - Jailbreak - Cydia Substrate - File Manager (iFile/iFunbox/Other) - Spider-Man Unlimited Features: - inf Everything - inf ISO-8 - inf Vials - inf consumables - max lvl (skins) - inf price vallue - inf boosters - inf in-mission currency - inf score - inf energy - missions cost nothing - max EXP - inf free consumbales ( can open them for free) - inf in-mission score and collectable things Download: [Hidden Content] Instructions: 1.Open iFile 2.Tap on The Downloaded File Then Press "installer" 3.Respring 4.Enable Hack on Settings.app (Settings) 5.Turn the switch on in settings then enter your own value. 6.Open Game and Enjoy Media: Credits: - @Diversityy Helpers: @DiDA thanks so much If you enjoy using my HACKS please show your SUPPORT by clicking the and the button, Thank you
  17. Happy new year and in this year, i lost my rank you didn't wrote that here ???????? @@DiDA thanks for everything and being my grandfather ????
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