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Happy Secret

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Everything posted by Happy Secret

  1. Modded/Hacked App: Ninja Alien: Survival ArenaBundle ID: com.spicysparks.robotninjagameiTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/ninja-alien-survival-arena/id6470303859 DIY Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. DIY Features: - High Damage / OneHit Kill - Full of Luck (yield better from drops) - God Mode - 1M Gold - 1M Gems - Quick Energy Gain for Ulitmate - HealRegen (when you across stage) Gold / Gems Hack Not working If you find your Gold / Gems cheat not working for you, you would remove the H5JSPlugin - Unity Static Analyzer v3.8.js in app bundle. You would manually load it later, if you want to find your own DIY Cheat. We need to make sure H5JSPlugin - NinjaAlien.js automatically load first by the Enhanced Menu (before Unity Static Analyzer) DO NOT GO CRAZY ON TALENT AROUND DROPS This game does not optimise the UI effect when there are lots of drop on screen. It can easily freeze your screen. So, suggest you try to limit those Talent (such as Luck) to something below lv30. You may want to turn setting on UI quality to performance mode DIY Instructions: 1. Download last decrypted version from Decrypted iOS IPA App Store (iOSGods)2. Download the DIY Pack from here3. Unzip the downloaded DIY Pack into a folder4. Put Step 1 Downloaded ipa into this newly created folder5. Follow README to make game IPA H5frida/Frida/Cheat ready6. Sideload the new ipa with H5GG with ARM and Unity v1.9.3.dylib using Sideloadly (**Enable File Sharing)7 Enjoy your DIY Ninja Alien: Survival Arena Cheat 8. Explore more cheat yourself with H5GG Unity Static Analyzer (UA Button) and Share your finding down below. Happy DIY. Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A Credits: - Happy Secret
  2. For those who are interested in my H5GG Enhanced Menu, here is an update included ValueType support in JSPlug-in. Enjoy.


  3. Version 1.9.3: 1. Add User Defined ValueType support for JSPlug-in. YES, you manipulate ValueType Data (not primitive) directly using JSPlug-in. If you familiar with ValueType, it is actually different from object type where ValueType actual data is store directly on the offset, while Object Type store a pointer at offset instead. Therefore, for User Defined ValueType (Non System / UnityEngine namespace), we will return the offset address (object base + offset), instead of returning content of the offset address (content at object base + offset). Then, we extended UnityObject to support ValueType. In this case, you will need to specify the Full Class Name of the ValueType Note Only specify the Class name for ValueType. DO NOT input that parameter for normal Unity Object. ValueType also has fields, but the memory representation is quite different. Anyway, you can load fields as normal, access them as normal. Currently assume field / content of ValueType would not be ValueType (no nested ValueType) Currently ValueType is not fully supported in Enhanced Menu UI. But you can access its content manually through Memory pointer 2. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs. note: 1. This is a ALPHA release and for Unity Game only. It is good for Hack developer who want to test their limits only. Not for general user who do not familiar with Unity. For general user who do not familiar with Unity, it is still a good tool to use, but you cannot maximise its value. 2. Performance could be bad, if the game has a lot class definition. It is tradeoff for features and performance for now. If you don't like it, you may skip these in your JS plugin. It won’t affect your performance if you are not using it. Download Link: https://iosddl.net/321ed83222762532/H5GG_with_ARM_and_Unity_v1.9.3.zip
  4. Paid app, can’t find a decrypted version. There is a Chinese version here - https://decrypt.day/app/id1635913906
  5. Once game started, you could turn off the cheat. Turn is on again when the cheat is lose. This games seems release object pretty quick. Sometime, when we want to apply update, if the object released, the system will freeze.
  6. For those interested in H5GG Enhanced Menu, I have released a new minor update. It covers bug fixed on Unity Static Analyzer as well. So, go download new version. You will like the update.


  7. Version 1.9.2: 1. Improved support on UnityDictionary, handling some exception scenarios. YES, you should able to use UnityDictionary covering most, if not all, scenarios now. In Unity Dictionary Key size looks like has some odd handling depends on Game developer's implementation preference. Current update should able to handle more scenarios that might happens. 2. Improved support on Color type in both Enhanced Menu UI or JSPlug-in. YES, you can now directly see the content of Color (RGBA) on the explorer UI, also can retrieve/update it from JSPlug-in. Color is a value type combining 4 float numbers representing Red, Green, Blue, Alpha of the Color. For easy for human interpretation, I have converted it as 3 integer numbers (0-255, RGB Color) and a float number for Alpha. 3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs. note: 1. This is a ALPHA release and for Unity Game only. It is good for Hack developer who want to test their limits only. Not for general user who do not familiar with Unity. For general user who do not familiar with Unity, it is still a good tool to use, but you cannot maximise its value. 2. Performance could be bad, if the game has a lot class definition. It is tradeoff for features and performance for now. If you don't like it, you may skip these in your JS plugin. It won’t affect your performance if you are not using it. Download Link: https://iosddl.net/cc5300c6b25b4bcd/H5GG_with_ARM_and_Unity_v1.9.2.zip
  8. Do you have any feature that you think would be helpful?
  9. Yes and No, after your initial analysis, you could scope down the class to load with following variables, then it won’t cache everything for you and eventually improve performance and stability. gUnityClassInterested = ["$BattlePlayGround","$BattleGrid"]
  10. I didn’t make the js script. remember to do the search inside a game (go in pulse it, then go search). This games keep Garbage collect the related object when outside game. You won’t be able to locate. Remember to use the UA button, not Unity Button, it has more friendly UI and features.
  11. Something like this? My JSPlug-in doesn’t natively support colour, you will need to r g b a separately with respective float number. say, purple is (127, 17, 224) -> r = 127/255 = 0.498 g = 17/255 = 0.0666 b = 224/255 = 0.8784 a = just ignore it, no need to change. Or you can use same formula as above. Suggest you to try with UI first. Before you go test with JavaScript. You can do the colour change all by H5GG Enhanced Menu UI. 1. Use Unity Static Analyzer to search for “RhythmGameColours”, you need to do this at the game start (in side the song play) 2. Click on the pink cell 3. Look for the Yellow field (rhythmGameColours), click on the Address pointer Value 4. Look for laneColoursBScore field, click on the Address pointer Value 5. Look for _entries field, click on the Address pointer Value 6. The 4 bytes at offset 2c is the R colour of the Perfect+, offset 30 is the G colour, offset 34 is the B colour 7. To change value, click on 2c, highlight it with yellow. Click the pencil button on top. Change data type to F32, type in 0.498, then click edit. 8. same for G and B.
  12. May be you can send me the script file, I can take a look.
  13. Hi there, what were you trying to load when you get that error screen? I didn’t know how to load Frida-il2cpp-script to H5GG, did tried a bit earlier but not successful. I then build my own library. Did you try my enhanced menu? You can find it here from what I read those thing are something could be doable with my menu in similar way, of course I didn’t try it yet. but I guess you can’t do that change implementation part. That would likely need a Jailbroken device.
  14. JSPlugin-in are scripting. More easy to learn my sample code
  15. What phone are you using? First time to hear all these button are out of screen. anyway, you might edit the JavaScript for a different triggering method
  16. Suggest you use all your Stat point on Luck, so that you have best drops.
  17. Modded/Hacked App: Legacy CostBundle ID: com.pujiagames.LegacyCostGlobaliTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/legacy-cost/id1634535474 DIY Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. DIY Features: - Weak Enemy (1 HP) - Rich Enemy (A lot Exp and Gold) - Cheat Shop (Everything Cost 1 orbs) - Free IAP Shop (Click Buy, it will get the Orbs and game crash. But no worries, when you get back to game, the last purchase is actually successful and saved) DIY Instructions: 1. Download last decrypted version from Decrypted iOS IPA App Store (iOSGods)2. Download the DIY Pack from here3. Unzip the downloaded DIY Pack into a folder4. Put Step 1 Downloaded ipa into this newly created folder5. Follow README to make game IPA H5frida/Frida/Cheat ready6. Sideload the new ipa with H5GG with ARM and Unity v1.9.1.dylib and SatellaJailed.dylib using Sideloadly (**Enable File Sharing)7 Enjoy your DIY Legacy Cost Cheat 8. Explore more cheat yourself with H5GG Unity Static Analyzer (UA Button) and Share your finding down below. Happy DIY. Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A Credits: - Happy Secret - Paisseon (Free IAP)
  18. Modded/Hacked App: PunBallBundle ID: com.habby.punballiTunes Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/id/app/punball/id1585781366 DIY Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. DIY Features: - OneHitKill - AimAssist (guide shoot line, see cheat photo) - RecoveryMax (every recovery drop heal health to full) - AddBall (adding more normal ball, add one every 2 seconds. TURN OFF the cheat after sometime, if there are too much ball not sure if game would be unstable. Keep it below or around 100.) - AddBasicSkill (adding Combo Discount Skill and Dealth Lightning Skill, it will keep adding every 2 seconds as well. TURN OFF the cheat after sometime [Feel free to add more skill yourself] TURN OFF CHEAT AFTER SOMETIME This game will not reset your cheat within game. Trigger the cheat once will keep the status till end of game. So, you do not need to keep cheat always on. Just to be sure you turn it on again in next game once. LONG LOADING TIME If you find the initial cheat loading time too long for you, and you do not want to DIY your own cheat, you can safely remove the H5JSPlugin - Unity Static Analyzer v3.6.js in app bundle. You loading time will drop to only 1 second. DIY Instructions: 1. Download last decrypted version from Decrypted iOS IPA App Store (iOSGods)2. Download the DIY Pack from here3. Unzip the downloaded DIY Pack into a folder4. Put Step 1 Downloaded ipa into this newly created folder5. Follow README to make game IPA H5frida/Frida/Cheat ready6. Sideload the new ipa with H5GG with ARM and Unity v1.9.1.dylib using Sideloadly (**Enable File Sharing)7 Enjoy your DIY PunBall Cheat 8. Explore more cheat yourself with H5GG Unity Static Analyzer (UA Button) and Share your finding down below. Happy DIY. Cheat Video/Screenshots: Credits: - Happy Secret
  19. Happy Mid Autumn Festival, to celebrate this Happy Day. I am announcing a significant usability update to H5GG Enhanced Menu. Native support Obscured Type, UI support for Unity List / Dictionary. 


  20. Version 1.9.1a: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, to celebrate this Happy Day. I am announcing a significant usability update to H5GG Enhanced Menu. 1. Introducing Native support to Obscured Type from CodeStage for both core Menu and JSPlug-in. YES, you can now treat Obscured Int, Obscured Float, Obscured Long, Obscured Double as the usual version of the primitive type. In Unity User Object Explorer, you will see the corresponding Int / Float / Long / Double value directly. You can even click on the Offset column to directly update Obscured Type as it is a normal primitive type. Just put in normal Int / Float / Long / Double. All the relevant conversion is done at the back and handled subtly by the menu. This same apply for JSPlug-in as well. All Obscured field, you are treat them as normal. Meaning myObject.intField = 100 (while intField is an Obscured Int) Note: There is an assumption that developer didn't enable any cheat value detection. Or you will need to bypass those detection manually. 2. Usability improvement to Unity User Object Explorer, with improved Unity List and Unity Dictionary support plus a lot subtle changes. YES, you can now directly see the content of Unity List / Unity Dictionary on the explorer UI. The is a new table created under the original explorer list, show the content directly. No matter the content value is a primitive type or object type. You can edit the content of the List or Dictionary there directly. Currently Adding or Removing Item is NOT supported.3. Minor bug fix on a number of bugs. (long list of bug fix this time)note: 1. This is a ALPHA release and for Unity Game only. It is good for Hack developer who want to test their limits only. Not for general user who do not familiar with Unity. For general user who do not familiar with Unity, it is still a good tool to use, but you cannot maximise its value. 2. Performance could be bad, if the game has a lot class definition. It is tradeoff for features and performance for now. If you don't like it, you may skip these in your JS plugin. It won’t affect your performance if you are not using it. Download Link: https://iosddl.net/70656583af492377/H5GG_with_ARM_and_Unity_v1.9.1a.zip
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