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Status Replies posted by Ted2

  1. iPhone 6s 9.3.3 JB = f***ed (Y). Luckily most games are auto update ;)

  2. iPhone 6s 9.3.3 JB = f***ed (Y). Luckily most games are auto update ;)

  3. iPhone 6s 9.3.3 JB = f***ed (Y). Luckily most games are auto update ;)

  4. Fixed my theos. f***yeah b****ez

  5. Fixed my theos. f***yeah b****ez

  6. Coolstar or Pwn20? Whch side are you on :wonder:

  7. YouTube Account Terminated #rekt

  8. YouTube Account Terminated #rekt

  9. Waiting for ark to add more hacks


  10. Hack requests: ON.

  11. Soo, okay, I jailbroked my iPad Air, I will try to upload some hacks with jb/no jb, but, I don't promise anything.

  12. theos finally working on my pc , thanks to everyone who helped.

  13. Won't be home for 2 days, so if a game updates, you guys gotta wait. LUL

  14. Won't be home for 2 days, so if a game updates, you guys gotta wait. LUL

  15. Time to leave iOSGods :D

  16. I NEED HELP..... to get a VIP subscription...  But i don't have Credit Card or PayPal. I only have bitcoin or perfect money. who can help me out. PLEASE 

  17. I NEED HELP..... to get a VIP subscription...  But i don't have Credit Card or PayPal. I only have bitcoin or perfect money. who can help me out. PLEASE 

  18. I NEED HELP..... to get a VIP subscription...  But i don't have Credit Card or PayPal. I only have bitcoin or perfect money. who can help me out. PLEASE 

  19. If you’re on iOS 12 beta or iOS 11.4 and would like to jailbreak, downgrade to iOS 11.4 beta ASAP! Still being signed and Electra will work on the betas.

  20. Hackerman

  21. Hacking games 

  22. Congrats on getting Global Mod, Amuno! LUL

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