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Status Replies posted by smokey

  1. DMG again, f­u­c­k the new ranking system

  2. spotify acconts

  3. Riddle of the day: What gets broken without being held?

  4. I am ready to die today, so I bid you farewell and never will we be seen again- wolfdesigns

  5. I feel like making tutorials but idk what they'd be about .-.

  6. Lost my watch at a party once. Saw a guy stepping on it while sexually harassing a girl. I walked up to the dude, punched him straight in the nose. No one does that to a girl... Not on my watch.

  7. Lost my watch at a party once. Saw a guy stepping on it while sexually harassing a girl. I walked up to the dude, punched him straight in the nose. No one does that to a girl... Not on my watch.

  8. Merry Christmas everyone

  9. 1,2,3. I just pissed myself.

  10. First Christmas with IG. <3

  11. (This is a real conversation, by the way) Dad: Have you paid your fees yet? Me: Not yet. Dad: When are you going to pay them? Me: Maybe tomorrow. Dad: You said you already paid! That's not yet, idiot! Me: *silently facepalms so hard it was felt in Japan and Haiti*

  12. Just 2 years until I enter the ramen-binge phase

  13. if over 20 people comment on my status i will share the full source of of mc5 wallhack realized by opengles hook

  14. All of my shirts sold out at school! I made 300$ :D

    1. smokey


      You should make a topic of all your mercy that you've made :3

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hello it's me

  16. Yo !! Laka Poi Poi xD

  17. Aaaaaaiiiiiiiaaaammm stuck on a feeeelinnn

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