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Status Replies posted by smokey

  1. 9/11 did bush.

  2. 9/11 did bush.

  3. Fun fact: RickHak has a PhD in Economics

  4. I'm just gonna go play in traffic. or jump off a cliff. whichever one hurts less.

  5. I'm just gonna go play in traffic. or jump off a cliff. whichever one hurts less.

  6. waiting on my moment to become a supporter~

  7. man idk what ive done wrong, im soo sad my dog just died :(

  8. there hasn't been a mod on for almost 4 hours besides Rag :o

  9. there hasn't been a mod on for almost 4 hours besides Rag :o

  10. there hasn't been a mod on for almost 4 hours besides Rag :o

  11. MMA Fans Who will win anderson silva vs jones its just a fantasy match

  12. MMA Fans Who will win anderson silva vs jones its just a fantasy match

  13. Bought a homeless man that was sleeping in a ditch McDonald's. We talked and was a really good guy but just had a f**ked life. I gave him hygiene essentials, along with clothes and 'camping' materials. He cried and it hurt me. I wish more people were giving. It just goes to show that the people who have nothing are always the most giving.

  14. If there's any GFX users on here, besides the 3 that have the title, comment. I want to do a giveaway but need to know how many people there are willing to participate.

  15. If there's any GFX users on here, besides the 3 that have the title, comment. I want to do a giveaway but need to know how many people there are willing to participate.

  16. The lights broke after a hooker decided to enter the room uninvited. I guess you could say the lights were...TURNED OFF! (call 1-800-helpgoggwell to make a difference and help him stop making bad jokes)

  17. Judge gave me extended time to pay my fines :coolguyemoji:

  18. Hacks are started by castix, leeched by ioscheats, and downloaded by idiots.

  19. Hacks are started by castix, leeched by ioscheats, and downloaded by idiots.

  20. 600 Thanks! Thanks guys!

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