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Everything posted by Rook

  1. This hack is now updated to App Store version 1.30.0!
  2. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  3. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  4. Updated to v1.30.0! Apologies for the late update.
  5. Updated to v1.30.0! Apologies for the late update.
  6. If the hack does not function at all, wait for a new update. Keep your eye on the topic.
  7. Keep your eye out on the iOSGods App Changelog. I'll mention it there when it's fixed. https://iosgods.com/topic/85408-iosgods-app-updates-changelog/
  8. Turn your iPhone sideways. Do you also have this issue on the Custom Install feature?
  9. I'll investigate and fix if necessary. Could you try Landscape mode meanwhile?
  10. The hack works, just one feature fails to auto update I believe. Turn that feature OFF for now.
  11. Hello, Are you Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken?
  12. Which Jailbreak are you using? I, and many others would suggest you use Unc0ver Jailbreak.
  13. You made it? Congratulations!
  14. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
  15. This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar located on the top-right corner of iOSGods to find the topic(s).
  16. I replied to most of my messages. If I missed yours and it's important, please reply to it again so I can check.

    1. Curiosity-Not-Allow


      check--Test-- last of mine?! 


    2. iLuckySvn
    3. CuteDaMaa


      What u mean dear

    4. Amir0121


      @DiDA plz give back my inbox :)

  17. God Mode has been implemented. If it's not working, that could mean they likely patched god mode hack.
  18. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.1.1!
  19. This hack is now updated to App Store version 3.0.0!
  20. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled Requests.
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