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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Is anyone able to send me the cracked IPA as I'm having issues cracking it right now.
  2. Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  3. How does this work? Where is this Anywhere tweak located? In which repo?
  4. Apologies for the late update. I lost my main iPad.
  5. This hack is now updated to App Store version 0.17.0!
  6. This hack is now updated to App Store version 0.17.0! This hack is now updated to support iOS 11 & iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak!
  7. This hack is now updated to App Store version 0.17.0!
  8. Locked This topic is now closed to further replies.
  9. Hey! Only PayPal is allowed right now. But they do offer the option to use card during checkout I believe.
  10. Hey! Try installing again from scratch and follow this video: Here's a video example on how to install the iOSGods App+: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MHVI_HRShs
  11. Yes. iOSGods App+ does support iOS 13.
  12. Cydia Impactor apps last only 7 days on a free Apple Developer Account.
  13. Hello, Apologies for my late reply. Apple has revoked our current certificate(s) and we are working on getting a new one so we can re-sign and get all the apps working again. Please try visiting the iOSGods App & downloading your apps at a later time once they have been re-signed by us. Until the normal install method is fixed, you can install your favorite apps right now using: Cydia Impactor IPA Download option Purchasing & using the iOSGods App+ Using an Apple Developer Account
  14. Updated and merged/added some features thanks to @DanYal! This hack may not support Electra/Chimera anymore.
  15. Updated and merged/added some features thanks to @DanYal! This hack may not support Electra/Chimera anymore.
  16. Hello, Apologies for my late reply. Apple has revoked our current certificate(s) and we are working on getting a new one so we can re-sign and get all the apps working again. Please try visiting the iOSGods App & downloading your apps at a later time once they have been re-signed by us. Until the normal install method is fixed, you can install your favorite apps right now using: Cydia Impactor IPA Download option Purchasing & using the iOSGods App+ Using an Apple Developer Account
  17. Hello, Apologies for my late reply. Please send a message to the Administrator titled "UDID Transfer" with your old UDID which can be found in your activation email and your new UDID. Please note that you are only allowed one transfer during your one year subscription term time. For more information, please read the iOSGods App+ FAQ. Kind regards, DADi
  18. Updated to 12.4.1. Waiting for Jailbreak now to be able to grab my projects from the device. RIP my iOS 9 device.
  19. Hello, Apologies for my late reply. Please send a message to the Administrator titled "UDID Transfer" with your old UDID which can be found in your activation email and your new UDID. Please note that you are only allowed one transfer during your one year subscription term time. For more information, please read the iOSGods App+ FAQ. Kind regards, DADi
  20. What does that option do?
  21. Some updates will be delayed a bit more due to the iPad issue. I'm seeing if I can transfer some of my updates to available cheaters.

    1. Zahir


      Transfer me 

    2. rnbzy
    3. JIZA


      Game DomiNation  Company - transfer  DanYal

  22. iMazing had an option to exit out of Setup screen, but that did not work.
  23. Please elaborate. Is there an option in 3utools that's of any use? @Laxus You use 3utools?
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