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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Hello, A refund has been initiated on the ViP purchase you made. Please note that depending on your card issuer's policy, refunds can usually take 5-10 working days for them to appear on your card/statement. If you do not receive a refund within 10 working days, please contact us again.
  2. iOS 12 is applying the broken battery limitation to my iPad Air 2 and it's running very slow. :( Might have to get a new one after all.

    1. Laxus


      🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Told you for a fking long time

    2. Rook
    3. Eugenev


      Sound Christmas gift for your new iPad 😍

    4. KeN98


      send me your old ipad air 2 :) as xmas gift

    5. Max-Q


      Im reporting you to apple. You broke the battery hacking. 👀

  3. Report back if all is good and working!
  4. Hello! Yes, you will have to wait until iOSGods App+ goes back into stock. Hopefully soon. Keep checking the page regularly.
  5. I'm Jailbroken again ;_;

    All files are still there ;_:

    RIP iOS 9 though ;_;

  6. This topic was moved from Hack Requests to Filled iOS App Requests.
  7. Information This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com to find the topic(s) or try searching on the iOSGods App.
  8. I suggest you use Live Offset Patcher: https://iosgods.com/topic/102594-release-custom-live-offset-patcher-v21-custom-offsets-injection-in-igmenu/?do=findComment&comment=3534705
  9. Please read our "iOSGods Authenticator & iOSGods Menu FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions!" topic: https://iosgods.com/topic/67148-iosgods-authenticator-iosgods-menu-faq-frequently-asked-questions/
  10. It's what most cheaters use to modify a function and make it return a high value.
  11. The tutorial you're looking at is for ARMv7, which is similar, but the instruction set is different for ARM64. You can try chhanging it to 00E0BF12C0035FD6.
  12. Checkra1n 0.9.6 is out!

    1. Laxus


      Wen eta Air 2 and Windows pepehands

    2. Faresmurad


      Please I want to activate my subscription please

  13. Currently no. The App+ will be in stock soon though!
  14. Theos working on iOS 13 now :D

    Waiting for CheckRa1n iPad Air 2 Support!

    1. w237098324


      I purchased the iosgods plus service, how to download

    2. Faresmurad


      Please I want to activate my subscription please

    3. Laxus


      arm64e support?

    4. Faresmurad
    5. Rook


      @Laxus You should create a new issue on theos GitHub for that I believe.

  15. See this topic for a quick fix on this issue: https://iosgods.com/topic/108461-theos-error-experimental-shift-on-scalar-is-now-forbidden/ For the SDK, make sure to follow the theos install tutorial as that shows you how to install it.
  16. I’m on iPhone X on iOS 13.2.3 also and I cannot reproduce your crashes. I’m listening to songs now.
  17. Yeah, you should restore rootFS and re-Jailbreak. Make sure you’re using latest unc0ver.
  18. Please read the topic. Perhaps we can do something like that!
  19. You mean iOSGods App+? We could, but that’s currently out of stock.
  20. Cydia Impactor is expected to be updated mid-December. And Checkra1n Jailbreak exists for latest iOS version.
  21. Any member with a rank should no longer see ads.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laxus


      ^ I agree, that will support our developers Kappa 

    3. Zahir
    4. OLD_WOLF
    5. Rook


      @OLD_WOLF Seniors isn’t included :pepe:

      Perhaps we can include seniors too!

    6. OLD_WOLF


      @DADi thanku 😐👍:wallbash:

  22. Hello, It is not waiting approval, your ViP was refused and refunded. Please see the email that was sent to your inbox regarding the status of your ViP purchase. If you have not received an email, please verify the email associated with your iOSGods account is correct and check your spam/junk folders. Kind regards, DADi
  23. Hello, That looks like a US$ to CA$ or AU$ conversion to me. Do you live in Australia or Canada? The ViP prices are in United States Dollars.
  24. Hello, The iOSGods App is revoked, and Cydia Impactor, the fall back method is also currently down. So there's not much we can do other than wait for either or the other to get fixed.
  25. Hello, Apologies for my late reply. If you have recently purchased the iOSGods App+, it may take a few hours for us to process your order. When the processing is done, we immediately send you an email to the email address you used when purchasing. If you have not received an email, please make sure the email address you entered is correct and check your spam/junk folders. Alternatively, you can visit https://install.iosgods.com/ using the registered iDevice to install the iOSGods App+. For more information and a video example, please read our iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions. Kind regards, DADi
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