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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  2. Hello, I see the gift card is in your account, but what is the reason of purchase? What are you trying to accomplish? If it's for ViP, you should purchase ViP directly rather than purchasing a Gift Card.
  3. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.1.0! Thanks to @DanYal!
  4. RIP reProvision!

    1. RiLu


      I thought you were joking but holy sh!t! EOL update!

    2. Max-Q


      😩IM f***ED

    3. stem grade

      stem grade

      Just used AltDeploy if u got a Mac 

    4. Max-Q


      No. I have windows. tried installing catalina on vm, but was beta , so mail plugin wasnt working. Now trying to find a non-beta catalina to install , hope work

    5. Laxus
  5. Hello, Be sure to read the suggestions and information on the refusal email.
  6. This hack is now updated to App Store version 2.4.1! Which feature should we make for No Jailbreak?
  7. This hack is now updated to App Store version 4.1.3!
  8. This hack is now updated to App Store version 4.1.3!
  9. This hack is now updated to App Store version 3.8.0!
  10. This hack is now updated to App Store version 3.12.2!
  11. This hack is now updated to App Store version 3.12.2!
  12. That was causing issues if I recall correctly. Will investigate for next update.
  13. Hey, Apple changed something again and broke reProvision and perhaps others. You'll have to wait for an update.
  14. Most likely they just detect changes/the hack.
  15. I think I'm getting the flu again >_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tobias Rieper

      Tobias Rieper

      My advice it take some medicine from your doctor

    3. Babby668


      You should pay more attention to rest and hot water!

    4. Diversityy
    5. NarutoKyuubiUzumaki


      Are you ok? I hope so

    6. Enoch


      I’m no doctor but I’ve heard a 9mm helps.

  16. Welcome!
  17. Hey! I believe the certificate seems to be revoked for some users, and for others not which does not make any sense. Try again later once we have a new certificate. If the issue persists, then possibly the IPA does not support your iDevice or iOS version.
  18. Hello, Please try reinstalling the iOSGods App+ if you haven't already. This is a known issue and we are working on fixing it.
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