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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Update is coming soon! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  2. Perhaps look into a jailbreak bypass that may help. Or try injecting the dylib through iGameGod.
  3. Hopefully ~2 more weeks? It's out of my control so I can't be sure.
  4. It's an App+ issue that's affecting some users.
  5. Please first visit https://install.iosgods.com/ to see the status of your App+.
  6. Information This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com to find the topic(s) or try searching on the iOSGods App.
  7. IDA for free is not available on M1/M2/M3 macOS so Hopper is the only option unless you run Windows IDA through Parallels or Crossover. They're both similar from what I can see.
  8. Thanks to @Ted2 & il2cppdumper online, we can easily import il2cpp dumps (script.json) into Hopper Dissassembler just like we do in IDA using the following Python code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json class LoadIl2cppDumperScript: def __init__(self): self.document = Document.getCurrentDocument() segments = self.document.getSegmentsList() self.starting_address = segments[0].getStartingAddress() def get_address(self, addr): return self.starting_address + addr def process_script(self, script_path): with open(script_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data = json.load(file) if "ScriptMethod" in data: self.process_script_methods(data["ScriptMethod"]) if "ScriptString" in data: self.process_script_strings(data["ScriptString"]) if "ScriptMetadata" in data: self.process_script_metadata(data["ScriptMetadata"]) if "ScriptMetadataMethod" in data: self.process_script_metadata_methods(data["ScriptMetadataMethod"]) print("Script finished!") def replace_null_characters(self, string): return string.replace("\x00", "") def process_script_methods(self, script_methods): for script_method in script_methods: address = self.get_address(script_method["Address"]) current_method_name = self.document.getNameAtAddress(address) self.document.setNameAtAddress(address, script_method["Name"]) print(f"Renamed {current_method_name} at {address} to {script_method['Name']}") def process_script_strings(self, script_strings): for index, script_string in enumerate(script_strings, start=1): address = self.get_address(script_string["Address"]) current_string_name = self.document.getNameAtAddress(address) new_string_name = f"StringLiteral_{index}" self.document.setNameAtAddress(address, new_string_name) print(f"Renamed {current_string_name} at {address} to {new_string_name}") segment = self.document.getSegmentAtAddress(address) if segment: inline_comment = self.replace_null_characters(script_string["Value"]) segment.setInlineCommentAtAddress(address, inline_comment) print(f"Set inline comment at address {address} to {inline_comment}") def process_script_metadata(self, script_metadata): for meta in script_metadata: address = self.get_address(meta["Address"]) self.document.setNameAtAddress(address, meta["Name"]) print(f"Set name at address {address} to {meta['Name']}") segment = self.document.getSegmentAtAddress(address) if segment: inline_comment = self.replace_null_characters(meta["Name"]) segment.setInlineCommentAtAddress(address, inline_comment) print(f"Set inline comment at address {address} to {inline_comment}") def process_script_metadata_methods(self, script_metadata_methods): for meta_method in script_metadata_methods: address = self.get_address(meta_method["Address"]) self.document.setNameAtAddress(address, meta_method["Name"]) print(f"Set name at address {address} to {meta_method['Name']}") # Set inline comments segment = self.document.getSegmentAtAddress(address) if segment: inline_comment = self.replace_null_characters(meta_method["Name"]) segment.setInlineCommentAtAddress(address, inline_comment) print(f"Set inline comment at address {address} to {inline_comment}") inline_comment_method_address = '{0:X}'.format(self.get_address(meta_method["MethodAddress"])) segment.setInlineCommentAtAddress(address, inline_comment_method_address) print(f"Set inline comment at address {address} to {inline_comment_method_address}") def run(self): script_path = self.document.askFile("Choose the script.json from Il2cppdumper", "false", None) if not script_path: raise Exception("No file selected") self.process_script(script_path) LoadIl2cppDumperScript().run() Usage Use il2cppdumper online to dump your Unity app. PRO TIP You can drag and drop the Decrypted App Store IPA link into il2cppdumper online. Download the resulting il2cppdumper archive and extract it so the script.json is available. Next open Hopper Disassembler with your executable loaded and go to Scripts > Open Script Editor... > + > Add the Python script above & Run. You can also rename () the newly created "New Script.py" to something like "Il2cppdumper Hopper.py" as it will be saved and appear in Hopper's Scripts menu anytime you need to use it. Next you simply run the script you just created and select the script.json from il2cppdumper online when asked. That's it! Thanks again to @Ted2 for the Hopper version of the il2cppdumper script! We'll be updating il2cppdumper online to include the Hopper version of the script inside the dump archive!
  9. It's too hot!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rook


      Sounds like visiting Asia should happen only during winter for me :turned:

    3. Theo


      102F here in my city 😰 and its evening now.

    4. Puddin


      @Laxus Sounds like pollution 😂

    5. Theo


      @Laxus in my city its 40 Celcius 😰 Which country are you from?

    6. Mangaia


      23 celcius here. Pretty good. 

  10. This hack is now updated to App Store version 5.3.0!
  11. This hack is now updated to App Store version 5.3.0!
  12. This hack is now updated to App Store version 5.3.0!
  13. Updated! This hack is now updated to the current App Store version!
  14. This hack is now updated to App Store version 12.1360.1360!
  15. This hack is now updated to App Store version 7.5.0!
  16. It should already show that actually. Not sure why it stopped.
  17. Initiating old App versions decryptions are only available to ViP users.
  18. Hi @sebentarya, Not yet. It is a bug with ElleKit right now and we’re seeing if we can resolve it, or get ElleKit updated.
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