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Everything posted by Rook

  1. Update is coming soon! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  2. I think Loki was a catapult to the Marvel Cinematic multiverse. Literally, anything can happen now and they could potentially bring anybody they like back!

    There will be a lot of universes to explore now, can't wait!

  3. Are you sure you have openSSH installed from Cydia?
  4. Please read our "Downloading the .IPA from the iOSGods App for Sideloading" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/93697-installing-apps-from-the-iosgods-app-using-sideloadlycydia-impactor-on-your-pc/
  5. Hi, This sounds revoke related. Please read our "iOSGods App+ Frequently Asked Questions & Answers" topic here: https://iosgods.com/topic/100620-iosgods-app-frequently-asked-questions-answers/
  6. My body hurts, and my throat is sore. I think this may be it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slanze


      Agreed I am sorry in advance, couldn’t locate any info so thought I would ask in chta, in the meantime rest and maybe get a COVID check since sore throat is a symptom. Best wishes 

    3. Laxus


      Go do some covid test mate monkaS

    4. Ahmedoo94
    5. Enoch


      Get a covid test, buy vitamins, OJ, and soup. Good luck man.

    6. Anjan


      Gargle or rinse with up to 10 ml of Betadine.

  7. You could try iMazing. But you need Apple File Conduit from Cydia. OpenSSH is free & better. You can use something like WinSCP with it.
  8. Hello, We’re gradually working on fixing everyone affected so keep an eye for the fix email. If it’s been fixed, but you cannot download, try again a bit later. We have to refrain from fixing too many people too quickly to avoid triggering anything on Apple’s side.
  9. Update is coming soon! Be sure to regularly check the official topic on iOSGods or the iOSGods App so you know when it's out. :)
  10. Set a custom bundle ID under advanced options. Use a random unique bundle ID on each sideload. And to update apps, use the same bundle IDs when sideloading new versions.
  11. Please read my reply above.
  12. Technically, if you extract the setup, you could just run it. I'm unsure if it'll work properly as I haven't tried.
  13. Hello @wewewer, One user reported that installing JODebox tweak helped them with this issue. I know JODebox says iOS 10 max, but the user was on iOS 12, so perhaps you may get lucky too! Could you perhaps try it on your iOS version and report back.
  14. I might main iOSGods Dark now

    1. Oxytyramine


      dark main dark main!!

    2. Rook
    3. Max-Q


      No no.No dark pls. 🤓🤓

    4. Orcaut


      I like it better than light tbf

    5. Jake Ryan
  15. Hello, Please message me with this issue so we can solve this for you.
  16. Hey, Is your bundle ID correct? Perhaps add a popup to see if your .deb is actually being injected into the app!
  17. 💩 I'll investigate for you.
  18. [hide] Works Fine[/hide]
  19. A few years ago, we introduced iOSGods Badges which was very useful in styling topics & posts. We've used them a lot, especially in step by step instructions! Today, we've made improvements to this option and even went a bit further to now include messages & buttons! (thanks to @Zahir for the button request) First of all, 3 buttons have now been made into one! And with this one editor button, you can add other normal buttons (with link), badges, or messages! So you can really style your topic to your liking. Example How to use Please only use when necessary, do not clutter your topics with these. For buttons, you can add download links, though it will be an extra step to simply just text links. For badges, you can use to convey steps in a tutorial, for example. For messages, you can add important notices or information to your topic that will catch people's attention and hopefully read! We hope you like this new addition to iOSGods! Download Now STEP 3: Do something here. IMPORTANT Please be careful!
  20. Information This request or parts of this request have been filled. Please use the search bar on iOSGods.com to find the topic(s) or try searching on the iOSGods App.
  21. Will be updated! Keep an eye out!
  22. Hello, You will have to die from hunger in-game to fix this issue.
  23. Thank you for the kind words! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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