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Everything posted by Rook

  1. I changed it, check it
  2. You got blue on the dark skin
  3. This is a manly forum
  4. *It does not work on all games supporting TapJoy*
  5. You voted no and you want me to use that?
  6. We're going to have a fight over the colors now
  7. Where are all these codes popping from?
  8. Hahaha no, you can only choose one colore Or 2. When mouse hovers over the upvote
  9. Which blue? Color name or hex code
  10. This one looks good too! It doesn't have to be a color from the previews above. It can be any other color but we can only choose one.
  11. What do you think? Should we change the UpVote icon to a heart icon? Here's a preview of some colors (we'll vote on which color to use also): Current icon:
  12. It doesn't support iOS 8..
  13. Does Slices work? Nothing seems to be working for you
  14. Should we replace the up vote button with a love heart? :Dhttp://i.imgur.com/7TwMkbr.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Oxytyramine


      all of them are nice


      red 1

      orange 2

      blue 2

    3. Tamil
    4. Rook
    5. Asclepius


      NOOO. I wanted orange ;( Haha

    6. Rook


      Sowwy bobby :3 I can't please everyone :D look the topic on General Talk about this :)

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