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With the recent release of Dopamine & Palera1n Rootless Jailbreaks, all older (rootful) .deb packages were made incompatible due to the new rootless scheme and could not be installed. This was a major problem because all jailbreak hacks from iOSGods were made using the rootful scheme, which was the only scheme available until now.
The Problem 🥲
The new scheme meant that our Cheaters would have to re-compile all their previously released cheats for the new rootless jailbreaks. This was an impossible feat as there are thousands of rootful tweaks we've created over the past few years and so many sources have been lost and we'd also have to create a separate rootful & rootless .deb then upload & update both every single update which would be extremely time consuming and demotivating to the cheater and confusing to the user.
Our Solution ✅
A few months ago we released a new iGameGod update which allowed users to install .deb tweaks using iGameGod. This was a great starting point for us as we already processed .deb files using iGameGod so we can build upon that and work on implementing a way to convert .deb rootful to rootless (and rootful to rootless) support to iGameGod! We of course did just that!
How it works & Tutorial ℹ️
Beginning with iGameGod 0.4.1 and higher, you will find iGameGod (rootful) & iGameGod Rootless is available on the iOSGods Repo. If you use Sileo, it will show the correct package and the only one available for your jailbreak type.
Once you have the latest iGameGod installed, then installing .debs from iOSGods is as simple as downloading via Safari & then choosing to open the .deb via iGameGod. From there, iGameGod will take over the .deb installation and convert the .deb before installing (if required).
Here's a video example of the new changes in action on a rootless palera1n device using the rootful Grim Soul tweak. More example videos can be found in the iGameGod Tweak Installation topic.
The Future & Compatibility 🥰
We currently do not plan on creating separate rootful & rootless hacks as that is too much work, as mentioned above. We will continue making rootful only hacks for the foreseeable future, however we do note that all upcoming jailbreaks are seemingly going to be rootless going forward and we will eventually switch to rootless hacks. Regardless of what happens, as long as we install tweaks via iGameGod now, there should be no issues.
iGameGod's rootful 🔁 rootless conversion works well with the mod menu hacks posted on iOSGods. It is possible that it may support patchers and perhaps other tweaks found on Cydia/Sileo/Zebra. We can improve this feature to add support for more general tweaks.
We will also be working on updating the installation instructions provided on each hack topic.
❤️ Thank you all for your continued support! ❤️
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