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  1. Let's see this
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rook


      Android is not any better. If anything, might be worse

    3. Zahir


      Agreed, it tends to get slower as the time passes and its not user-friendly for me. Lags a lot (4GB Ram bruh) and basically sucks

    4. Rook
    5. ___Aaki___
  2. Let's see this
  3. Where's Senior Member?
  4. You can just compile this code (with com.apple.UIKit as the bundleID in a .plist), and have syscall and ptrace disabled in every app
  5. This tutorial should be updated for the newer versions of Theos; available here
  6. Damn
  7. Yea that would work. As you can imagine, the more simple instructions, the better your chances of finding the arm64 locations
  8. It's not that simple. Unless they're simple instructions like add/sub, you won't be able to do that. Branches for example depend on offsets, which are much different, and it's highly unlikely there may be some guaranteed difference in the offsets from 32-bit and 64-bit.
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