Closed - Due to personal problems! A website will pop up soon making it 10x easier for the service. Thank you to everyone who requested.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff
Please read all of the topic
Hello members of iOSGods, I present to you Injection Services for the two listed games above.This service is for all devices, (iOS, Android, Android Emulators, e.g. Nox APP Player). This Service will allow you to get currencies on these games so you can enjoy them as much as I do. This is completely free.
What do I mean by, "Injection Services"? I mean their will be no installing modded ipa's, no modded apks, you don't have to be jailbroken, no need for root. This is for all versions of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, and Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, you can use the normal original games from the playstore and from the app store. All this requires is for you to have these games connected to a Facebook Account and for you to get an ID called a *UserID* this is used so I can have the currency injected into your game and on the correct account. More information will be below in the, "How to get your "UserID" section. I have provided in-game screenshots below showing proof of the currencies added to each game.
What do you get?
How to get your UserID?
How to request?
You cannot right now.
Proof (In-Game Screenshots)
Thank you for reading and I hope to receive many requests and you all coming back for refills. Please note: There is no ban for this, safe amounts of currencies only get applied to your account to insure that you are never banned or your account doesn't get flagged. I've been adding currencies to Family Guy and Harry Potter since they came out and not one user has reported a ban or flag and even myself hasn't been banned or flagged.