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  • iDevice
    iPhone 7 Plus
  • iOS Version
  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Galaxy Tab A
  • Android Version
    Android 11
  • Rooted
  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire, USA
  • Interests
    iPhone Modding, Anime… and iOSGods!

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  1. Howdy thanks this is awesome
  2. Thank you so much. I'm gonna get y'all.
  3. Has anything worked for you @Lazy_Panda
  4. How do I downgrade an app? Didn’t know you could
  5. Hello I paid for vip and none of the games work, I have JB access and Cydia with all the stated requirements. Everyone keep telling me it's the JB I use, but the vip never said you needed a SPECIFIC JB... I'm losing time in my subscription that I paid $ for and I'm kinda upset.

    1. DJ_Brad


      That’s your own fault for using unknown jb, use chimera 

    2. xanJAPAN


      I don't have access to a pc, and does it say anywhere you need to use a specific jailbreak?


      Suck me 😂

    3. dZb


      if u have lower version

      go with unc0ver 13.x


      checkra1n/oddsey is better if 14.x

      But need pc, you can do it if not have pc

      you can try on public pc just need flashdisk and go do it...



      if 15.x go with palera1n


      im on 16.3.1 with palera1n

      accident update... i hope will working cheats

      Yesterday, im on 14.4 with checkn1x aka checkra1n

      work perfectly with any games...

  6. Hey, I have an iPhone 6 ios 12.6.7 and Freya jb is the only one that worked for me. Anyways I'm trying to play summoners war and transformers but none of the features work. Like none of the games work but I installed the Deb correctly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laxus


      Never heard of this jb  in my 10 years of jailbrraking experience

    3. xanJAPAN




      Do you have any idea how to fix my problem? I really hope I don’t waste my money I just subscribed today

    4. Laxus
    5. xanJAPAN


      I don’t have a pc :(

    6. Cr4zyDragon


      if you don't have a PC, install Trollstore then use trollstore to install unc0ver or chimera.

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