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    Long Beach, CA
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    I'm a poet.
    My poet name is HeartenDeSoul.
    Both facebook and instagram are my interest.

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  1. Haha Bloody teacher assigned me a 29 page reading assignment on the first day of class. I have about one week to or so to finish reading it. Guess what though? Because I got nothing better to do, I finished reading that Bloody They say, I say book! It was bloody hell. ? Me vs Book Assignment! I come out on top as triumphant!! ??? Muahahahah! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Juku


      That's good at least. I feel ya though

    3. Archangel04


      only 4 pages? meh

    4. ItsMrChow


      It would of been shorter but much of the information in the book was important. Lol why you gotta make me feel like it isn't much work? I really did put in much effort into putting it together. It isn't something that was assigned to take notes but I saw it as beneficial to me in the long run. I read the 29 pages that was assigned the very same day instead of procrastinating like I usually do.    @Archangel04


    5. Archangel04


      We get more work :(

    6. ItsMrChow


      Don't appreciate the belittling. I really don't.  I worked my butt off. You don't need to come here and make me feel like I didn't do much. What is a lot to you is different from what is a lot to other people. We all are different. You really need to understand that and put things into perspective. Treat others how you want to be treated. Put yourself in my shoes and analyze how the things you say to other people whether in person or through the web can really have an impact or in this case hurt the other person's feelings. Just be cautious of it. Thank you and have a nice day! @Archangel04

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