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    iPhone SE
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  • Jailbroken
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  1. Congrats with 100,000 Community Reputation!

    1. 0xSUBZ3R0
    2. Rook


      We made it!

    3. 0xSUBZ3R0


      i got him half of rep :p

    4. AffluentSky43


      Yes, welllllll done

  2. @DiDA Hi! Can you fix hack for JB Electra? Game crash after install
  3. Game crash after install - Anybody know how to fix up this?
  4. How we can install IGMM hack for this JB? For example
  5. Can you do for this game fix? It seems like (some) FAT .dylibs crash the target app on iOS 11. Not sure why but if you can, remove armv7 portion from the dylib. I will add more information to the topic once I/we find out more. I tried to google, but I did not find any information how to do this
  6. Can I ask you to check out another game, to understand that either I am shaky or really does not work
  7. Thank you again, but this hack not worked. When file StarWarsGalaxyofHeroesiOSGodsCom.plist stay in folder SBInject game crash on loading screen. Can you check this game?
  8. Hi! Any news about IGMM for Electra JB?

    1. Pro


      Check Featured Topics if you haven’t already

    2. Vudu
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