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    iPhone X
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  • Jailbroken
  • Android Device
    Asus ROG Phone 5
  • Android Version
    12 (8/128GB)
  • Rooted
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  1. - Limit phone activites -Dont sleep late -Have breakfast (REALLY IMPORTANT) -Keep yourself busy (eg; gaming, or finding yourself a hobby that you enjoy 😀 -Keep yourself fit (going to the gym/self workout) trust me you're going to gain so much confidence!!!
  2. check on cydia if installed after apply press action and respring.
  3. They’d say never give up on your dreams. So i went back to sleep.
  4. Tweaks still working fine as of 29 October 2021. Great work @Laxus 😄
  5. Mods working fine. The fact that the the damage and god mode is linked, you need to turn it on/off manually when in battle. Overall great mods 👏
  6. really.. well i must done something wrong, lets me just try it again i guess 😬
  7. Hey @Zahir just wondering i tried the tweaks and its not working for me. Maybe an update or i did it wrong? Thanks tho .
  8. Testing this one.. will update later if it’s working or not edit : mods working fine. Nice job @Laxus 👍
  9. So, that's why I keep getting error on Impactor I guess. Any other alternative atm?
  10. My pc had to reformat T_T

  11. yo! thanks bruh
  12. ''Say my name'' Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenvewve Ugwemubwen Ossas 

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