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Name Change

ViP Pro
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Everything posted by Name Change

  1. Thank you to everyone who replied. I will be hosting one a month to give everyone a different chance as equally as possible. @Nyaaaa123 I’ll be getting you vip+ asap!
  2. They are the same codes with different edits. Of course they’ll have the same Ulong Search. Be careful who you call an idiot.
  3. These codes are for the most part safe. But with every exploit has that chance for a ban. I’ve used every code on here and yet to be banned.
  4. After searching online I have come across some DLG edits that I’ve seen on here and ones I haven’t DLG is pretty straight forward and if you still need to download it you can find it here: If you have any questions for clarity, please ask and I will attempt to walk people through with more in-depth steps or videos. [Hidden Content] Here are some updated codes that are a mix of DLG and iGG. Likewise if you need assistance using either applications, I will attempt to help assist [Hidden Content]
  5. There are competitors that I won’t mention. But, being dedicated to iOS Gods is what makes it a community. The atmosphere and quickness of hack updates are what keep people around. I agree with everything there! ? thank you or the fix.
  6. This hack is 100% detected. Do not attempt with just the hack. They have a proxy that is said to work but people are getting banned on that too
  7. Question: how can we check if the proxy is working when it doesn’t load websites when connected to it...? @Walking Hell
  8. Prize: - ViP & Non-Jailbroken ViP + 3 Months Instructions: - Tell me why iOS Gods is your first stop destination for iOS exploits and how you plan to participate in the community for the better - Need at least 50 posts - Winner will be based on how well you answer the question. Note: Only one entry per member will be counted and the winner will be contacted here on the forum via PM or mentioned on the topic. End date/time: Friday, 11/16/2018 As a member here since 2014, I want to start giving back to those who haven’t been able to reap the benefits of VIP by giving them the chance to live it for 3-months. I know some members aren’t able to jailbreak, so I want to give them this chance to indeed become a participant. I will be doing this giveaway once a month! So good luck to all!
  9. Here to test for you daddy @Joka UPDATE: Works just as stated. Deals very little boss damage. Great work again!
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