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Status Updates posted by Theo

  1. Life Sucks when your phone is gone... 

    1. Rook


      Does it though? Finally some freedom!

    2. Theo


      That's true but now I can't take pictures of the products to show it to the customers. 

    3. SayMyName..
    4. Theo
  2. sh!t maaannnnn!!! I broke my phone 2 days before Eid. :@ 

    1. Lazy_Panda


      Hope u fix it soon b4 eid …

      صحا رمضانكم و عيد مبارك 

  3. Can someone teach me how to create mod of an app for inapp purchases hack? 

    I have many good quality apps on which inapp cracker works. I want to create a tweak to post here. please guide me in easy language

    1. Ravino


      In app purchased is in mostly all games but doesn’t work for every game for a reason sir

    2. Theo


      I know it doesn't I am talking about the Games and apps I tested myself. 

    3. VaaR
  4. @Rook Have you played sssnaker? I saw there are hack on android but not on ios. The game is from the same developers of archero but android hack have freez currency too. Great New game perfect time to create a hack of it. 

  5. Is there a way to Jailbreak ios 15.7. I miss my jailbroken phone I changed it and this phone had ios 15.7. can't find any way to jailbreak it. 

    1. rainseo


      You can jailbreak 15.7 with palera1n but only for checkm8 devices

    2. Kobina


      i think you can jailbreak with checkra1n

    3. Theo


      @rainseo What do you mean by checkm8 devices? how do I find that out if my device is checkm8 device?

    4. Theo


      @Kobina I tried on checkra1n installed on linux it didn't worked i'll try on mac and let you know. 

  6. Is there a way to install *.deb files without jailbreaking? Because I have ios 15.7 and cannot jailbreak it with checkra1n. Also which software works to bypass icloud activation without jailbreaking the phone? 

    1. Rook


      There is if you use Sideloadly! Not all debs will work btw.

    2. Theo


      Thank you Ill try that.

  7. Can a brother help me get free premium accounts of Scalenut? 

  8. Need help! Whatsapp Dragon tweak is not up to dated, whatsapp betterW is not up to dated. Whatsapp Reveal does not have show who's online status feature. OnlineNotify is paid. Is there anyother free tweak that has online status feature or is there a way we can create our own tweak or something? need help with it please... 
    Also I'm currently using whatsapp Reveal and my blue ticks are permanently grey even if I turn it off. 

  9. Is there any Updated whatsapp mod that doesnt have any bugs?

    Im using one but it has bugs like; voice notes are sent blank, there is issue with whatsapp calls and also it doesnt show notification of messages until i open the app. 

  10. There was a member who had access to some crack sites.. If you are reading this,.... Can you please share some grammerly premium accounts with me again... pleasee :( really need those... If anyone can help me with that please inbox me some grammerly accounts :$

    1. Ahmedoo94
    2. Oxytyramine


      they literally mentioned it, Grammarly accounts, I would be interested too tbh ;-; university too hard...

    3. PanderBear


      That would be awesome I also want in on this action inbox me if you get some!

  11. Bro please update Township ❤️

  12. I once got banned using fifa mobile hack in online matches. Should I stop playing online matches and play leagues only or is there a better way to keep playing online and not get banned ? 

  13. From where can I download fifa mobile ipa file (original not hacked) ??? 

    1. 0xSUBZ3R0
    2. Theo


      How can we download ipa file from appstore ? 

    3. Cycas


      by debugging http requests

  14. I'm back !!!

    1. Zahir


      Hi back! I am Zahir

  15. Last drip tomorrow I hope my tests will b fine then. Remember me in ur prayers thanks

  16. Really wanna try fifa mobile hack 😢😢

  17. Now I have IPA file of the game I want to create Iapp purchases hack for it how do I do that ? Any tutorials or someone can guide me?? 

    1. Cycas


      Dylib injection I guess 

    2. Rook


      Simple IAP hacks can be done with Flex by modifying transactionState

    3. Theo


      @rook I want to make changes inside ipa so whenever someone install iapp are already hacked even for nonjb. 

    4. _Adderall_


      I think I can help with professional tutorial material. Check your private message.

  18. I have hacked alot of games through filza or making changes in config.db and hacking iapp through iapp cracker. How can I merge it into ipa to make hack. Some are good quality games that arent available anyone. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyborg101


      there is also plist editing software available for Mac and Windows as well. however, what I do is back up my device, connect it to my laptop and locate the plist file and edit with the program like that. It does require a bit more work but it also works depending on the game you are doing it for. 

    3. Theo


      @TurboLo I use filza to edit plist files. I was thinking if I can change ipa file to zip extract it make changes zip and then change the format back to ipa. Will it work? Also can you share a easy way to download any ipa from appstore ? Because some games ipa file isnt available anywhere to download. 

    4. Cyborg101


      I believe you can use Apple Configurator 2 to get the ipa from the app store. if you want, pm me and I can send you the link 


    5. Theo


      Thank you. Check your Inbox. 

    6. Cyborg101

    Will there ever be a chance fifa hack become available for non vip users ?
    1. Cyborg101


      I doubt it in all honesty

    2. Theo


      Me too :p 


    3. Cyborg101


      lol, the thing is because FIFA is server sided so it requires a bit more work and effort to hack I believe. That is most likely the reason why it is available only to those with VIP subscriptions/memberships.

  20. Never used Igg but I prefer GameGem over dlg. 

    1. Yuppoto


      Give me one more chance to transfer

    2. Theo


      Transfer what ? 

  21. My app store is downloading too slow like 200mb game taking hours. This is happening few weeks ago. Can you help me fix it ? 

  22. What are the other ways to rank up or be a contributor ? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Theo


      I hope so Now I am planning to learn how I can inject iosgods menu and iapp cracker to games and make them available for non-jb users. Then I'll try for rookie modder rank. 


    3. DedCracks


      Wish you luck man!☝🏻

    4. Theo


      Thanks 😊

    5. Cyborg101


      it seems like you basically have to help others around the forum as well as meeting the 300 post minimum requirement

    6. Ahmed_70709
  23. Im excited today.

    1. Zahir


      Hi excited today. I am Dad

    2. Cyborg101


      What happened?

  24. There should be a verified profile badge system too 😉

  25. Suggestion: 

    There should be a Custom app installer for non-jailbreak too, making duplicate through filza is alot of work, renaming so many folders and one mistake can mess up everything. While in custom app installer we just choose app change bundle id and name and thats all. 

    1. Laxus


      Already a tweak for that. Jus google

    2. Zahir


      iOSGods+ has custom install, I think that's what you're looking for

    3. Theo


      @Laxus i tried found only one "AppDuplicator" but it dont exist in the repo they gave. Can you share the name please?

    4. Theo


      @Zahir Yes iosgods App+ Custom Installer that can be used with Jailbreak. I already have App+ and I love that feature I wish it was available for jailbreak too so we dont have to worry about revokes. 

    5. Laxus


      You can search for similar tweak on /r/Jailbreak

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