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Status Updates posted by Theo

  1. HD print of The Super Mario Bros. Movie is here 

  2. What should I say next, should I talk about some cars?
    Or the next chapter of my life, and show you all my scars.

  3. Hey @Rook Why don't we use this area of the header proper ad posters as background image? put this area on rent. 

    1. Theo
    2. Theo


      sorry forgot to add the screenshot url 

    3. Rook


      You mean put ads in there?

      We generally don't have any ads on the board index, and I don't think anyone would like ads there.

  4. What are the best free websites to watch anime? 

    1. Rook


      I think we have a topic on this!

    2. Theo


      Let me search that. Thank you. 

  5. 4 hours left then we'll be able to know about something great here. Lets see what it is. Fingers crossed. 

    1. Hiyo37


      Anything yet

  6. Twitter is blocked here can't even check if iOSGods got a new certificate. 

    1. AlyssaX64


      Blocked where ? 

    2. Theo


      in Pakistan. Due to some political drama. Youtube facebok and insta was blocked too but they unblocked it now we're waiting for ggovt to unblock twitter. 

    3. Theo


      Are we signed again? I need to update the status on facebook so can you please check that for me?

    4. Rook


      No, no. Not yet!

    5. Theo


      Got it. Thanks. Also, would it be possible for you to spare a moment for me 🥹🥹 🥹

  7. If I have whatsapp and whatsapp for business installed. Is there a way I can have 3-4 whatsapp in my jailedbroken iphone? 

  8. Packing.... Gonna travel to my home city for few days ♥♥♥


  9. Anyone from Netherland here?

  10. Is there any hack for Youtube Movies & TV?

  11. Check out my Cover Photo. Are you able to view full image when you click on it?

    1. Rook


      Yes! The hat is cropped off

    2. Theo


      oh that means I gotta create it in a different resolution. I though if we click on it it will show whole image.

    3. Theo


      Repositioned it for nw. I'm  gonna fix it today so visitors can view complete cover photo without clicking on it. It will be easier if you can share the resolution size of cover photos. Do you know it?

  12. Keep your head up and make your mind strong
    It's a struggle everyday but you gotta hold on

    1. Rook
    2. Theo


      Love em forever ♥

  13. How many of you are using Watusi 3 tweak for WhatsApp?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theo


      that's strange I never had this issue infact I never faced a single bug. are you jailbroken? or used a whatsapp with pre injected watusi?


    3. Flugel


      Jailed device and pre injected

    4. Theo


      just install whatsapp from appstore and install watusi tweak from repo use cracktool to crack it and it should work fine. 


    5. Flugel


      my device non-jailbreak, cant use repo or cracktool

    6. Theo


      oh ok ok. Then you shouldn't use it. coz you might not be able to backup your whatsapp chats too. 


  14. Facebook and Twitter are down in my country and there are messages I need to respond to :(

    1. RamL BuTt

      RamL BuTt

      i know about brother I'm from Pk new govt involve all this with Ar.. you know

    2. Theo


      I hope it will be unblocked soon. using vpn for youtube and not risking my facebook ids coz they can get blocked because of vpn

    3. Theo


      Yup obviously they are involved. since elections are near parties will do anything to put eachother in jail. btw today, supreme court announced his arrest as illegal. Also, which city are you from?

    4. RamL BuTt

      RamL BuTt

      gujrat 🙂

    5. Theo


      Nice meeting you brother. I'm a Lahori living in Islamabad. 

  15. @RookOne of a member on Facebook is asking "will Apps installed from sideloadly stay installed forever or these apps can be  revoked too?

    1. Rook


      I think this is explained in the Sideloadly FAQ but if using a normal Apple ID, every 7 days you’ll have to refresh and Sideloadly can do this for you automatically.

      A paid Apple ID’s apps can last 365 days.

    2. Theo


      Thank you. 

  16. my place has been robbed. lost everything! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Puddin


      Well that sucks 

    3. 𓄼 . f v c k . 𓄹
    4. Courage0723


      ....good luck man!!

    5. Theo


      Thanks everyone. Well lost almost everything. 


    6. Ravino


      What!!!!! F*ck man sorry to hear that 😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I hope everything goes well for u goodluck bro u have my prayers and wishes 🙏🏼 I hope they catch that Piece of sh!t 

  17. @Rook If Custom Install feature is in iOSGods App+ and it is out of stock does that many no one can use Custom Install feature at the moment?

  18. @Rook Can I have high resolution PNG files of all iosgods logos and icon packs?

    1. Puddin
    2. Theo
    3. Rook


      Is this for the Discord server?

    4. Puddin
    5. Theo


      @Rook nope its not. It's for designing cover photos etc. not for discord. 

  19. Who has some knowledge of ios hardware issues? As many of you, I broke my phone few days ago. when I turn on the screen for a second it shows clear display then it start showing some white lines all over the screen. Moreover, When it shows clear display the touch works fine for a second then it stops. Do I need to change the strip or can I repair this one ? 

    1. Theo


      nvm, I have fixed it a little. Now I can unlock the phone. ♥ However display still isnt fine but I'm going to try 3utools to connect my phone and use it through my laptop. It should work. 

    2. Rook


      @0xSUBZ3R0 may be able to help!

    3. Theo


      Great, Please help. 

  20. Eid Mubarak to everyone Celebrating ♥

  21. Such a busy day today! I'm so tired. It's Eid tomorrow and have to finish all the pending work. 


  22. I'm creating Unofficial server on discord for iosgods community. Anyone wants to be a part of the server and help me make it better? for now I have  added auto posts tweets from Iosgods account so our server stays updated with iosgods. I'm going to add more features on it soon. 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Puddin


      Just stick with iOSGods 🤷‍♀️

    3. Ravino


      @Satmig I mean people are litteraly selling hack service for call of duty,gta etc discord won’t do anything lol unless someone reports the server 

    4. Moshi..


      Try telegram or line

    5. SubSeven


      long live irc.

    6. oAoDemiGod


      Yes I’ll help sign me up why unofficial why not make a official server lol 

  23. @Rook Can I have all iosgods logos in high resolutiion pngs? or source files?

  24. Should I post ways or tricks like completing 4k youtube watchtime etc? Would there be anyone interested?

    1. RechterDaumen
    2. Theo


      Are you running any youtube channel?

  25. gonna try to fix my broken fone by myself again. Pray for me. 

    1. Theo


      Just an update it didn't worked. It's showing so many lines so the display needs to be replaced by a professional. 

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