Before, signing apps and such used to be a difficult task, whether it was due to the fact you always needed a PC nearby, or simply due to the fact they would be revoked in 7 days or even sometimes much sooner. Therefore, that is where TrollStore come in to help. TrollStore is a permasigned jailed app that can permanently install any IPA you open inside of it.
iOS 14.0 - 15.1
A10 - A15
Windows PC / Mac
Installation Guide (iOS 15.0 - 15.1.1)
1) Download TrollStore Installer IPA from
2) Install it to your device via your preferred method (AltStore, Sideloadly, iOS App Signer)
3) Open TrollStore Installer App, and press the Install button
4) Wait.. If your device reboots here, go back to #3
5) An alert should appear when TrollStore installs successfully, click close and the app should exit
6) If TrollStore is on the home screen, start it, if not reboot your device, and it should appear afterwards
7) Go into settings tab, and press "Install Idid" allowing TrollStore to install unsigned apps
OPTIONAL: Press "Install Persistence Helper" and choose a system app you don't need to use (e.g. Tips) in the list that appears, for more info on the persistence helper read below.
Installation Guide (iOS 14)
Note: Needs Jailbreak
1) Download the TrollHelper deb from
2) Install it via Filza, Sileo, or Zebra
3) If the TrollHelper icon has appeared on your home screen, launch it, if not, run uicache and then it should appear, afterwards launch it.
4) Tap the "Install TrollStore" button
5) Your device should respring, and TrollStore should be on your home screen, launch it.
6) Go into settings, press "Install Idid" allowing TrollStore to install unsigned apps
NOTE: Persistence Helper doesn't need to be installed on iOS 14.
Installation Guide (iOSGODS Custom IPA)
1) Download the iOSGods app store from here
2) Select the app of your choice, and press the THREE DOTS beside the install button
3) Select "Sideloadly .IPA Download" & download the IPA File
4) Save the IPA File to your files folder, and wait for it to finish uploading
5) Select your file, Press the SHARE button, then choose TrollStore
6) Allow TrollStore to install the IPA, and enjoy permanent signing! ♥️