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Everything posted by Zahir

  1. ASLR is protection againt finding correct result in debugging used only for hackers and sometimes u will need to remove aslr in order to play the hack
  2. Very cute thanks https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/204431/download/png/96
  3. ~Updated hack to v1.37.0! ~Fixed gold hack ~Added All Bosters Unlocker
  4. __ZN22CLollipopBoosterFacade10IsUnlockedEP9CSaveData { NSDictionary *iosgods = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.iosgods.poupref.plist"]]; return [[iosgods objectForKey:@"kBooster"] intValue]; } maybe like this ?
  5. - Requirements - - Jailbreak - - iFile - - Features - - Pro Unlocked - - Download - [Hidden Content] - Instructions - - Download .deb - - Install it - - Enjoy -
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