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  1. I’m experiencing the same thing, since the update yesterday the mod menu is not working anymore. Can you please update the mod? 🙏🏼
  2. Hi @cybergeisha ! Would love if you could drop me an email with the tools you’re using as well. I’m at [email protected] thanks so much!
  3. Thank you sooo much @shelbeymanson!! Will give that a try! ❤️❤️🙏🏼
  4. Hey @cybergeisha! I heard that you know of a trick to complete the diamond Kollections? Would love if you could share, I wanted those for so looong 🙏🏼❤️
  5. @Emily Clarke I see you posting the same thing on all threads, try to find peace within yourself and stop being affected to this level by what others do. You don’t know exactly what these sellers use and it’s unfair for us normal players to be affected by your remarks as I use the “unlock all items” feature of the mod super often to save items for myself and I enjoy it a lot. Wish you all the best. And thank you Ashley for the joy you bring us with your work ❤️
  6. @Emily Clarke I see you posting the same thing on all threads, try to find peace within yourself and stop being affected to this level by what others do. You don’t know exactly what these sellers use and it’s unfair for us normal players to be affected by your remarks as I use the “unlock all items” feature of the mod super often to save items for myself and I enjoy it a lot. Wish you all the best. And thank you Ashley for the joy you bring us with your work ❤️
  7. I saw the update, but I think it’s past midnight. I saw she wasn’t active for almost 20 hrs. I hope she didn’t leave us! She’s so great! 😭😢
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