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Everything posted by Hoesey

  1. Hey y’all, Hoesey here! Ya know, iOSGods App+ aficionado and avid hacked app user. Lately, I’ve noticed more and more people coming forward with regards to a common issue. Downloads failing in the App+ Just know, this isn’t a fool proof fix, nor is it developer level. It just happens to be something that I have noticed. And since I’m not a developer, bare with me! Incase I mis word some stuff lol. - Here’s the Deal - the App+ in itself is a godsend. But even the greatest things in the world are “perfect”. With this recert, download speeds have taken a significant hit and a lot of people are noticing. But the issue with the apps failing to download, may not be connection based. The App+ cant download in the background. One thing that I’ve noticed, is if the app is left too long, while downloads are going on, I come back to downloads that have failed. I’ll see the app in the “Downloads” tab and the only thing it’ll say is “Label” under the app’s title. I have to delete it and restart. **When you download something, stay within the iOSGods App+ until the prompt to install occurs. Once you confirm the install, that is an indication to you that your app has finished downloading and resigning and it’s safe to leave the App+ Keep that in mind. Retry your downloads, stay in the App+ until they’re finished! You can still look around inside the App+, but DON‘T LEAVE! When you press “Install” you’re good to go and you can now leave the App+! That’s it! Hope this helps someone! Have a wonderful day! Join The Club club!!
  2. Hey y’all, join The Club! New club that was founded Tuesday by yours truly! Everyone’s welcome! 


    1. Error.


      What do I get if I join?

    2. Hoesey


      😂 A virtual hug?

  3. Something to start your day with something funny!
  4. Not only is it legit! But it’s also LEGIT! If ya know what I mean!
  5. The App+ is installed as an independent app. Uninstalling it simply requires you to tap and hold the application and removing it. The profile is only necessary for the script to run and sign a certificate before prompting you to install App+ through iTunes. As far as the slow download speeds, I don’t feel that your connection is at fault. It’s just the certificate that the App+ was signed with, I believe, @Laxus correct me if I’m wrong. But the thing that I’ve noticed, the App+ can’t download in the background. So you need to remain inside the App+ until your download/resign has finished and you’re prompted to install the application. Give that a shot!
  6. @Dhawk63 If that doesn’t fix it, in App+, I’ve noticed that if you leave App+, it’ll interrupt the download. This will cause it to fail. So if reinstalling App+ doesn’t work, just try to download something, and wait at the download screen, until you’re prompted to install it. Edit: Reread your initial post. So when the download is interrupted (due to leaving the App+) for me, I’m shown “Label” under my Downloaded app as well. Then I am forced to delete it and restart. So do this @Dhawk63, wait for the download to finish before leaving the App+. You can browse still, but remain inside App+, until the prompt to install. Once the install has commenced, you should be good from that point. This is also true for Custom Installs as well.
  7. Welcome! Glad to have you here!
  8. That’s it keep popping in, more will definitely be added!!
  9. Hey! So, I’m messing with different features and settings while I figure out how to put this place together. So bare with me while we’re up and coming! And keep checking back!! If y’all want to start a discussion, you’re more than welcome to! 😊😊 WELCOME!!
  10. • Please Be Kind and Respectful. We all come from different places and all have different backgrounds. Let’s encourage each other and build each other up. This general discussion thread is meant for entertainment. But ensure the content is appropriate. • THERE ARE NO “NSFW” tags. If it’s inappropriate, it will be removed and as such, you’ll be removed as well. This isn’t Reddit. If you want Reddit, go to Reddit. • Please monitor the use of profanity. The first rule talks about respect, keep that in mind. • I reserve the right to remove an individual, and their posts, at anytime; when their actions are deemed as inappropriate, crude, cruel or offensive. And without notification.
  11. On July 21, 2020, something amazing happened. The Club Began. What originally started as a small group who laughed and loved and cried with one another, quickly grew into an organization, large enough to branch off and form an independent nation. This nation would one day amass the numbers necessary to achieve their ultimate goal of global domination and mass genocide under the pretense of “population control”. #0-100 jk I’m not trying to rule the world, too much responsibility!
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