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Status Replies posted by Diversityy

  1. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy new year 2016! Wish all to be successful and make dreams become true!

  3. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year!

  5. I showed that nigga love, but that nigga was a snake..

  6. Dunno if I should go back to hacking. GFX is pretty much taking control right now, but I miss using IDA.

  7. Leaving for few weeks or months or myabe i won't be online again , don't know , so much problems :( #prayformygrandma :Please: Peace , ALLAH HAFIZ

  8. dis place is being boring year after year

  9. dis place is being boring year after year

  10. "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth."

  11. Merry Christmas Everyone!

  12. Just got an iMac :hyper:

  13. Just got an iMac :hyper:

  14. 1,2,3. I just pissed myself.

  15. Should I give up my ip5 with everything on it Jailbroken 32bit for an ip6s+ non jailbroken?

  16. i might be a dad :/

  17. i might be a dad :/

  18. i might be a dad :/

  19. i might be a dad :/

  20. i might be a dad :/

  21. should have another tweak out today :D

  22. should have another tweak out today :D

  23. Seasons Greetings to all on iOSGods ! Have a Fabulous Christmas and a Wonderful New Year . Stay Blessed and Keep Hackin. :)

  24. First Christmas with IG. <3

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