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Status Replies posted by Diversityy

  1. Who was the one that did Amazon refunds

  2. When I die, I wanna come back as a pufferfish

  3. Nitroxic will miss you <3

  4. When you think "Why don't I go back to hacking? It was fun!", and then you spend 2 hours trying to find a string and the next 2 hours fixing the patcher code.

  5. 300 days online? My auto refresh tool seems to be working. :kappa:

  6. In order to cleanse the shoutbox of Pokemon GO, I must destroy all bots. If you want to restore order to the Shoutbox, join me.

  7. 200 Days Online... welp.

  8. The feeling of joy when the banwave comes and the shoutbox reverts back to the way it was before <3

  9. The feeling of joy when the banwave comes and the shoutbox reverts back to the way it was before <3

  10. Who's up for a design regarding the recent Pokemon-themed update for iOSGods? (PokemonGods)

  11. Yay for Semi-JB

  12. Feeling a bit useless around here >.>

  13. why would someone runin pokemon go by attacking the servers. shame on you I missed out on so many pokemon :(

  14. terbs I love yoi

  15. Lovin' this community

  16. Guys, if you haven't already, head to the GFX section and check out Klepto's AMAZING art

  17. I might go back to hacking! (don't get your hopes up, I'm just testing some stuff out, not really gonna go back into full-fledged hacking)

  18. Didn't realize but 2 days ago was my first year on iosgods :)

  19. Happy Birthday to me! ;)

  20. Looking for Star Wars Commander and Uprising mods

  21. FAK u all offline for a month..

  22. Drose To The Knicks wherever he go i go

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