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Status Replies posted by Diversityy

  1. I just donated. iOSGods is worth it.

  2. I just donated. iOSGods is worth it.

  3. Comment you're Favorite IOS Game!

  4. Comment the first word that comes to you're mind while you read this.

  5. As you've all seen I've been inactive for a long period of time... time is of the essence goodbye...

  6. Waiting for Brave Frontier hack before tackling CA haha

  7. http://goo.gl/forms/ogB3RERmU4 Please fill this form for my school work. Nobody in my class is filling it out :(
  8. http://goo.gl/forms/ogB3RERmU4 Please fill this form for my school work. Nobody in my class is filling it out :(
  9. When DidA would have a double, what would his name?

  10. When DidA would have a double, what would his name?

  11. If you ever think that English is not a confusing language, just remember that read and lead rhyme, and read and lead rhyme, but read and lead don't rhyme, and neither do read and lead.

  12. anynews for jail 9.1 !?

  13. I hate the part of the morning where I have to get out of bed and participate in real life

  14. I blame Yterby, Klepto and Smokey for my recent SH ban

  15. There's a few people on here with overly-high ego's that need a reality check. Quite annoying :p

  16. #pray4syria , palestine , afgasintan , iraq & pakistan where thosuand of peoples died everyday and nobody says a word about them

  17. Most repulation on this site is mine xD

  18. Thanked 9,000 Times :D

  19. Guys I'm Ok :) I'm not dead , My cousin did that bad thing :3 Thank you so much brothers for praying :cry:

  20. I need a Business Partner!

  21. F-Secure is a great vpn i recommend it

  22. Looking for Storm Born Gems. Hack

  23. Looking for Storm Born Gems. Hack

  24. anyone know some good jailbreak youtubers?

  25. I'm finally a real graphic designer! Well, at school.

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