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Everything posted by Gideon48

  1. Thanks! The link doesn’t work, can’t seem to download
  2. @Laxus oh I guess this needs to be updated to Apparently the new update includes another feature
  3. @Laxus I have used this before on the app+ and it worked fine, but now there’s no godmode. When I get hit I die.
  4. I’ve tried to do multiplayer, still doesn’t work for me. It’s a great game though!
  5. @Rook something weird happens when I try and play this game. When iosgods tries to log me in the game freezes. Do you know if this is replicable?
  6. @K_K just wondering if you had a solution for this? cloud save doesn't seem to work, this would resolve the issue with not being able to pass the tutorial. Thank you!
  7. It’s definitely working, you just have to know what toons to use with no cool down linked with the enemy
  8. Just wondering how one could enable iCloud with this so one could continue their progress???
  9. hey laxus, do you know if happy chick emulator works on the latest ios? i have tried to download it, but it doesn't seem to even download from the app+. I tried to sideloady it and I get an error that it cant install. I dont know if the app needs an update or if updating my phone was the problem.

    1. Laxus


      It's the app problem, i think you might need to download it from their official page and sodeload with app+

  10. anyone know if this will work on recently updated iPhones?
  11. i feel really dumb for asking this, but how do I use sideloady if I cant download the .ipa? I am trying to download star wars galaxy of heroes ipa, but it just links me to the app+
  12. I am not the mod developer, but because this is a jailed mod, it would make all multiplied damage linked with the enemy. if the enemy is faster in any way than you, you dead.
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