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Status Updates posted by xoashley

  1. I now updated the mod menu for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (12.1.0)

    APK for Nox tutorial is coming very soon!

    Thank you guys!

    Also, I removed the XP Boost from the mod menu for anti-cheat purposes and instead added an Event Bonus (meaning you get a large bonus for events when they are active!)

    1. Prinsesa


      amazing!! can’tt wait for the unjailbroken version 💕 thanks 🥰

    2. cupidgigi


      thank you so much!!

    3. xoashley


      @ARYXNNE The non-jailbroken version will be available tomorrow at around 1:00 p.m. :) 

    4. BlackRoseHoney


      Im so excited!!! Thank you

  2. Hey everyone!

    iOS update for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (version 12.1) is out now in the App store 💜

    Here is an update for all the mods below:

    ~ KKH Mod Menu will be added first around 1:00 p.m. tomorrow along with the Nox APK file

    ~ KKH Modded APKs and iPA files will be added the day after tomorrow around 1:00 p.m.

  3. Hi all :)


    Nox tutorial for adding items into your Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game is completed and updated to be more precise in terms of information shared & the tutorial should make a LOT more sense for anyone new to using Nox and APK files :) 

    I made it in depth as possible and hope you guys like it & most importantly I hope it helps you to have more fun with the game itself !!


    Much love ~ Ashley <3 

    1. rosie_blue


      Thank you so much!💕
      Take care of yourself!

    2. MDaniel


      Thank uuuu <3

    3. iPlus


      Good work

  4. The overwhelming amount of appreciation for my work is so amazing & I can't even explain how grateful I am <3 

    Thank you everyone! !!!

    I will leave you guys with an update below before I leave for the weekend:

    ~ Nox tutorial will be completed next week for adding items (version 12.0.0 for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood) It will most likely be completed by Wednesday of next week

    ~ I have been working on adding the free diamond boxes into my mod but it has not been completed since I have a feeling the cost of the diamond boxes is server sided meaning it cannot be modified but with the Nox tutorial you will be able to add items that are from diamond boxes to your current game! :) 

    1. Rook


      You are actually popping off! Nice work. :)

    2. Laxus


      Good work mate! (Y)

    3. MDaniel


      U are amazing! Thank you so much!

    4. BlackRoseHoney


      Thank you! Much love to you for this

  5. Hey there guys!! Happy Friday to everyone :) 

    Just wanted to say ~ mostly due to my schedule ~ I won't be able to update the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Mod menu and hacks to version 12.0.1 (mini update) this week

    The mod menu should still work with the mini update since I tested it earlier today :) 

    1. giahanne


      its okay youve been doing alot for us with this mod so take your time for this week :) 

    2. ggwellplayedbb


      Take your time don't worry

  6. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood has released a mini update (12.0.1) ~ I will be updating the mods soon and they should be updated within a day or two :) 

    Thanks for the love you guys are AMAZING & I'm so glad to help the KKH community with these free mods <3 


    1. rosie_blue


      i hope you doing well and taking care of yourself!
      as always thank YOU for your work. gonna sit and wait in meditation for nox tutorial update😄

  7. Hello everyone! Just a quick update! :) 

    ~ Mod Menu ,deb file is uploaded for version 12.0.0 for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

    ~ Nox tutorial will be done soon on how to add items for version 12.0.0 for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

  8. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Android mods are uploaded and ready to play ~ have fun! :)

    I will update the Nox tutorial and the Mod Menu for iOS around midnight tonight sorry for any delays 

    Hope you guys enjoy <3 


  9. The Android mods for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood will be uploaded very soon ~ around 6:30 it should be fully updated :) 

    Also, the mod menu for jailbroken iOS devices will be uploaded around 8:00 :) 


  10. Regarding the MODs I checked to see if the in app purchases work for the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood iOS Hacks ~ they do not work because the modded ipa is not downloaded directly from the app store ~ not sure how to fix this sorry

    Mod Menu for iOS and the Android hack will be uploaded tonight

    If you have any questions let me know! 


  11. iOS Hacks for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood version 12.0.0 are out now

    Sorry for the delay for Android it will be out tonight with the same mods as the iOS versions


    Have fun!! 

    1. mcmxcix


      Thank you so much <3

  12. I am now uploading the mod links for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood version 12.0.0 ~ the other links have been removed 

    I tried adding free diamond boxes but it wouldn't work ~ oops ~ maybe next update it will? lol :) 

    It might take another 30 minutes since the ipa files have to load in google drive 

    Thank you again for all the support and patience!! <3 


    In short ~ I added a new feature ~ in-app purchases should be available for all devices and versions for the mods themselves

    If there are any questions let me know !!

  13. I am now uploading the mod links for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood version 12.0.0 ~ the other links have been removed 

    I tried adding free diamond boxes but it wouldn't work ~ oops ~ maybe next update it will? lol :) 

    It might take another 30 minutes since the ipa files have to load in google drive 

    Thank you again for all the support and patience!! <3 

    1. rosie_blue


      The nox tutorial will be updated too?

    2. MDaniel


      Thank you so much <3

    3. xoashley


      @rosie_blue Yes! It will be added soon after the iOS hacks are uploaded

    4. rosie_blue


      @xoashley thank you so much💓💓💓💓

  14. The mods for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood version 12.0.0 for Android and iOS will be completed early morning tomorrow (I am trying to include a new feature so the process is taking a bit longer than anticipated)

    I will give you guys a heads up when it is released :) 

    1. lelamea


      We are so ready thank you for all your hard work make sure to take care of yourself. 💕

    2. MDaniel


      Thank you so much for your work!

    3. Prinsesa


      You are amazing and thank you for your hard work! I absolutely love your work, it makes the game extra fun. You should make a patreon or link your CashApp so we can at least buy you a cup of coffee! Regards. 

  15. Currently working on the new update for Kim Kardashian: Hollywood version 12.0.0!!

    Stay tuned ~ tonight will be when it is out and ready <3 thank you for your patience!


    1. rosie_blue


      thank YOU for your hard work!!<3

    2. mcmxcix


      Thank you! I can't wait :D

  16. The Android modded apk files will be officially uploaded tonight which will include the same mods used for iOS :) 

    1. xoashley


      Currently the modded APK is being approved by a moderator - thank you for your patience 💕

  17. For Android users ~ sorry for the delays but the mod will be available next week ~ I'm not familiar with Android modding but I'm learning :) 

    I'm planning on making a mega mod menu so it will take a week for me to learn how to make one on Android 

  18. Please don't exploit my mods/offset patches for money ~ I worked really hard to make it possible to be FREE and sometimes I feel like I shouldn't even make updates for the mods/offset patches anymore because of the exploitation of my hard work that I put out for FREE is being used by shady people to make money from it 

    It breaks my heart but I'm no longer updating the live offset patches because of this issue 

    Thank you for understanding everyone 💜

    I know most of you will not exploit the mods for money and I really appreciate it 💜

    ~ Ashley

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xoashley


      @Rook Thank you I appreciate it a lot ~ I have a mod menu .deb file for my mod that is in one of the topics I created  :) 

    3. cybergeisha


      I’m so sorry about this, you did an amazing job! You will still update your MOD? That’s the one I’ve been using since I figured out it was better than the offsets because I can have VIP and energy refill.

    4. xoashley


      @cybergeisha THANK YOU <3  I am going to still update the mods when new versions come out :) 

      Just so you know my non-jailbroken mod doesn't have energy refill anymore but VIP is still available

      A lot of people didn't like the animation the energy refill gave so I decided to remove it so that it is undetectable 

      You can modify energy with DLG cheat engine now so that should still be fine 

    5. cybergeisha


      Oh I’m talking about your Mega Mod! That’s the one I have now and it does have the energy refill option.

    6. Laxus


      Release deb with online theos so it can be encrypted if you want

  19. Mods are finished and uploaded for iOS <3 

    Android will be tomorrow :D 

  20. I am expecting the mods to be fully updated around 7:45 EST hopefully

    The mods will be the same except I added a new addition ~ you can now spend 0 stars on pets/furniture/quests and of course clothing items too :) 

    Thanks for your patience guys <3 

    1. cybergeisha


      Thank you so much! You’re amazing 💜

    2. MariamGurl


      Thank you so much really for this effort!! ❤️

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